The pretentious dipshit with the local coffee shop tipping dilemma should be giving that stoner the extra $0.50 EVERY time without hesitation. That kid is stoned and making you coffee at 7:00 AM. Give him the fucking change, man.
The pretentious dipshit with the local coffee shop tipping dilemma should be giving that stoner the extra $0.50 EVERY time without hesitation. That kid is stoned and making you coffee at 7:00 AM. Give him the fucking change, man.
NX is a AR system that can be implemented into their existing hardware and used in conjunction with their forthcoming moline platform.
I agree, but I did actually enjoy Hateful Eight more than any other movie this year, and Samuel L Jackson totally deserved to be nominated.
Kangaroos will kill you. Their claws can punch a hole in your chest which kills instantly. Don’t fuck with Roo’s.
Was it windy there? It had to be, right?
I know what all those words mean and yet I still have no idea what’s happening.
He lost and he took it like a little bitch. Sorry Cam, but this is why you don't have as many endorsements as Russell Wilson. Nobody likes a crybaby loser.
CTE was my first thought as well. The man was a true pioneer and legend. Suicide is a real fucker.
Hot Take Alert:
I just got into an argument about how mints in anything but juleps tastes like toothpaste and doesn’t belong in any real foods or snacks.
Is it wrong that I’m questioning the parenting ability of someone who makes their 6 year olds fight each other for sport and then films the result to post online?
As dumb as this mascot is all I can think of now is how awesome NFL games would be in moon-gravity.
Well with Netflix and Hulu, everybody watching is logged to the nanosecond. Personally, I think that's far more reliable.
Install Bluetooth in your car of you don't already have it. This can be done for around $100 in most older cars.
Why? He’s really fucking good and works his ass off. That’s why broadcasters go gaga for him every week.
We are obviously seeing such cheap gas prices because everyone who makes their money selling oil is coming to the realization that we’re actually going to move past oil before we even come close to using it all.
Serious question.
I read your comment in a Boston accent and it was amazing.
I’m honestly not sure who the bigger jackass is between the two.
1. Stop buying games at release.