Professional Chair Tester

All of you complaining about the lack of availability of certain Amiibo’s clearly don’t know how collectors economies work.

All of you complaining about the lack of availability of certain Amiibo’s clearly don’t know how collectors

Will women’s teams be able to play men’s teams?

I’ve actually met Piven a few times. He is a very talented actor, and definitely not a bad person despite being very serious about what he does. If he were an QB, he would be the darling of the NFL press for his dedi-commintment-itude.

The NBA has been serving mostly hot garbage since Jordan retired.

Ah, American Automakers...completely missing the point since 1975.

Comic books are like SciFi for people who don't know anything about real science or entertaining fiction.

Why don’t these people just get with the times and get Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, or any of the other insanely cheap services that offer the same trashy cable show reruns commercial free any time they want.

And yet every time I suggest that PC gaming is too expensive for most consumers I get blasted by the PC Master Race who claims you can build a magic gaming rig for less than the cost of an Xbone.

You deserve more stars for this.

Obviously any failure resulting I. Loss of life is unacceptable, but am I the only one who assumed that far more than 6 people (out of the Millions using cars with Taka airbags) would die from airbag errors every year?

There is nothing in he world the PC Master Race gremlins won't complain about.

They didn’t actually show anything. Many movies and TV shows (the Sopranos comes to mind instantly) were far more graphic in their depiction of rape.

You are very good at your job, sir.


As a Packers fan, I agree with your idea.

If you were watching the playoffs you’d have known who won last night so by your logic why would you care who won?

The gaming community is so completely immature.

Prosecuted for what?