Eton Edwin

LOL. That was some hella taxing right

It’s no wonder there is only 1 reply to this journalistic atrocity. Nothing sadistic about my Christian Upbringing at all- and raised to respect our neighbors right to believe how they want to without degrading them and respecting also your adhearance to Madelyn O’Hares doctrine that there is no God. Yes you

It’s really paradoxal because black women call one another bitches all day, they fight in the streets and in our neighborhoods over meaningless issues. I hear the black woman talk on a daily basis. I don’t agree with this post and our problem is internal. The black struggle is universal but African Americans stand out

What is a cis woman?

I’m still trying to figure why they all these sperm producing men “women”......... A man knows the different between a man and a woman, trans man, trans woman, HELL I guess if my 5 year old keeps telling me he wants to be a Doberman, I should call him a trans animal

No doubt

Racially motivated attacks are ugly no matter what side they come from. The problem is that in this country racism is ingrained on the fabric and DNA of the people. The first time I ever heard the word nigger was in Alabama on a visit to relatives with my parents. I didn’t know what it meant but I knew it was bad. A

Maryland is still the south, just not the deep south.


OMG... Enuff all damn ready. I agree with you. Some of this ish that’s being complained about isn’t even worth mentioning. Just because she’s a Kardashian she’s hated on and by mainly black females, majority males could care less. But this is a non issue sense we run high risk for diabetes type II, why does the

I work for a specialty pharmacy that dispenses Hep-C meds, and the main drugs used to fight Hep-C normally don’t work well and usually make the patient extremely ill due to all the side affects. There is a repeating cost to the meds because those meds such as Sovaldi don’t cure, only treat. There is a medication