Marc Edward Heuck

And the one that read "You Can't SANDAL the Truth!"

Over 200 replies and no love for Gene's Angry Hot Dog????

I see Gene in a sort of Dom DeLuise situation - he's gay, but he adores the notion of having a traditional wife and kids to dote on and play with, so he just has flings on the side.

She also resembles Julie, that bartender on "DR. KATZ, PROFESSIONAL THERAPIST" whom Dr. Katz and his friend always bantered with after a day of seeing patients. Wonder if its indirect homage?

Oh my god, a Billy Wilder deep cut reference. I love this site!

"I'm just going to have the kind of hot cocoa that's wine."

Homestar Runner approves this message.

Why doesn't it sound that way when I say it?

I myself got a Paul Thomas Anderson/Jon Brion vibe from it - like a MAGNOLIA-style moment. Although now that I think about it, there were two prime Supertramp songs in that movie too.

I thought Teddy yelled "The power of *fries* compels you."

"Also, this is a shoes-off house, so do your best to act like that's not weird."

I had to pause the Hulu stream after Bob's ice cream line because I was bawling hard immediately afterward. I've had laughing fits before from the show, but this was the first time I just started outright crying. Bob Belcher is the best dad on TV right now, hands down.

What Bucy seems to be attempting with this video is what scholars call a "concordance", a breakdown of how many times a word is used in a document, though a proper concordance would include guides to context and other observations. It's a deep research affair that's previously been done mostly for things like the

In principle, this is a good idea. What makes their presentation annoying is the unpredictability of how the transfers will look. Their most popular and more recent titles will certainly be properly framed, but the lesser ones, particularly the not-on-home-video ones, which are the real attraction, are all over the

I suspect more that since Tom Tom Club was a mixed-race multi-culti supergroup ultimately dominated by white members of Talking Heads, they're using it as a jab at how white leftists care more about "world" culture than the minorities they ostensibly claim to elevate.

Perhaps a couple ice cold Expense Account Ones?

Thanks, Tiffany!

I would suggest Social Justice Drama Monger as a better term, because it would clearly demonstrate that the individual is using an otherwise positive concept for selfish destructive purposes.

I think you can date this trope back to "WELCOME BACK KOTTER", where Principal Lazarus was never seen but clearly had all the power because the size of his office door and the font of the letters on it were larger than Vice Principal Woodman's. (Poor Mr. Woodman even had his title in lower case letters for extra

I believe you mean "prawned."