
I love it, I can’t wait to play it, but just one thing: if it’s a Yellow remake, I hope that means we get Jessie and James!

I liked TLJ, but I feel the same way. I want to know when these Solo threads get picked up! I want a sequel!

God, Star Wars would be SUCH a perfect fit. I never even considered it, but that would be amazing.

So, is this an official re-release, or just something fan made? What are the odds we can see it on Switch or other consoles?

Hoping this comes to Switch for portable reasons, but I’ll pick it up on PS4, if not. I randomly got Spyro 2 as an Easter gift way back when and found myself pleasantly surprised by it. Liked it so much I snagged the original game a few months later. My PS1 is long gone, but I’d really like to revisit these games.

Dude, this is about the video game, you really gotta bring up 10 year old comic drama? Also, go read Renew Your Vows and relax about it.

I think Netflix keeps Friends alive, where Simpsons you have to buy the DVD sets and most teens can’t be bothered.

Bravo on this reply.

You’re probably about my age. I also think I had those bed sheets! I did get to see the movie, but I don’t think I appreciated how insane it was until much later. I did have the Penguin Commando figures as well, and it’s super surreal and funny that I essentially had my Batman figure beating up animals as a kid.

Yeah, this. I get the convenience, but I always go physical whenever I can.

In theory, I’d like to agree with you, but Tetris DS is a masterpiece and, as far as I’m concerned, the pinnacle of Tetris. And that came out like 15 years after the original version (though yes, the base game is still the same).

This is awful. Swatting is such a black mark on the gaming hobby.

Kirby’s Epic Yarn might still be my favorite of the series. I have never played a more relaxing video game in my life, and the soundtrack is GORGEOUS.

I have eaten, and greatly enjoyed, lobster. But I have never felt as guilty eating an animal as I have crawfish. Lobster could stand to have more meat on it, but crawfish? I have to tear apart the bodies of like a hundred crustaceans to get something resembling an appetizer? Pass.

Holy hell, Lego Donald Glover is AMAZING.

Loooooooooong overdue.

How much does the pack cost vs. the Turtles DLC alone?

I am BEYOND excited for this. Please, PLEASE be good.

Disagreed. I loved the reboot. Quite a bit more than GB II, in fact.

It’s the best Transformers show by a mile (though Animated is also amazing).