
Make a flaming Ferrari joke, I dare you

Everybody knows that old school station wagons just keep rollin rollin rollin Toyota going to care that they’re using the name Harrier, especially considering it’s also an SUV?

Now it looks even more like the Urus. Or the Urus looks like a Civic, either way. 

I’m actually flattered that they want my cars that much. They’re doing me a favor and clearing out the lots so I can out in the new model year ones. Which reminds me, how many Chargers have we even sold?

At this point, we can make some reasonable assumptions about Toyota’s production timeframe:

Prediction: the real Sergio Marchionne will make a full recovery, and, finding himself bored as hell at home, creates a satirical Jalopnik account in the name of LarsOfFortCangley. Then the fit will really hit the shan.

Hey, my great great grandfather gave me this name! I think. This is no way to treat your new FCA overlord!

“He once punched a hole in a cow just so he could see who was coming up the road. Mike Manley!”

Arrivederci everyone. Thank you for the comments, COTDs and everything else. It’s been a blast posting as the man himself

Listen, you fucking conifer.

OK everybody, you really have to watch that video, turn on captions and turn auto-translate into english on. It is amazing.

Quiet, you. 

Someone is bored.

“Feel that fucking wood,” I screamed. “Tell me if you can ‘feel the grain’ now, motherfucker! And,” I said, stopping him for a moment as inspiration struck me, “feel it with your face.”

Great. Jesse will have to overnight parts from Japan and Germany now.

Haha, when I was test driving a Civic, I mentioned the MANUAL shifter was nice and smooth. He told me “that’s the CVT!”. Then when we got back to the dealership, he asked me to park the car in the lot because he hadn’t learned to drive stick yet.

You certainly avoided some possible bodily injury with that loon driving. The tail light scheme was genius. Be thankful he didn’t want to test the airbag system with a local tree.

Now playing

Just this one with an ex-con trying to live his life.