
Dogecoin itself is secure. The service called Dogewallet was hacked, not the currency. The editor of this article is saying something along the lines of "a bank was robbed and hence, US dollars are insecure"


This is incredibly sensationalist. The currency did not get hacked, an online wallet did, the currency itself didnt get hit by any means.

Ok, not only was the total value around $12k (which is close to nothing for the amount stolen) but Dogecoin also allows for refunding of coins to effected parties. Something which this "article" clearly and conveniently omits. The effected parties are being refunded by Dogewallet.

Since I bought them at the $200 price range AND I am in it for the long term investment, didn't really bother me.

First example is completely wrong. You would still use a comma, with the word 'however.' The fact that you used the word 'however, means that both of those statements are contradicting. For example: "I love french fries, however, they make my hands greasy." The semicolon joins 2 complete statements that

I think you're doing it wrong; semicolons get used this way.

That's great, but usually it's my drill that always needs charging...

not really twice as big.

Too bad it was destroyed. Damn it Sandra!

Heh... I read this in my XKCD feed today and thought "Hey, they read just like Gizmodo headlines... Will be funny when Gizmodo posts today's comic" :)

Why not just get a smartphone mount?

Doesn't float? Not the first time I've been disappointed. I was sad when my Cobi Titanic set ended up at the bottom of my bathtub.

Was it really necessary to throw in that last line? Into Darkness was very well done, and entertaining as hell. Not sure what everyone's problem is.


Does every male have to wear the exact same bathing suit or something?

Microsoft hasn't yet announced the Xbox One's release date...

When you make an statements you give people the sources to back up your statement... and I do demand that people when make a statement they need to back it up, otherwise it's just an opinion.

how to do it the right way!