HOWEVER, the Century has a cross-model V8 that is easy to fix and run. The Cosmo has the ol’ spinning Dorito that is fun, but not what most people call “low ownership cost.”
A friend had a late model (‘16?) GC that decided to stall in an intersection and nearly kill him. Once it re-started, he drove it to a Toyota dealer, threw the Jeep keys on the counter and said “I’ll take that one” - pointing at a ‘18 Land Cruiser.
Why wouldn’t they? Porsche, Mercedes, BMW, Lamborghini...all have fast luxury SUV’s. Lexus will build one from the Japanese market to compete handsomely at the given price point, and it will be......(wait for it).......RELIABLE! The same (intelligent) people that buy Land Cruisers instead of Range Rovers will buy…
A wise rich lawyer once told me he could bill you at $300/hour for suing that ham sandwich.
So very yes.
Worse than that. The high student might accidentally learn something once in a while. This whole administration is made up of the students coasting by on legacy who aggressively don’t give a fuck because their dad is just going to give them a VP of Sales job after graduation anyways.
This is a dumb comment.
Most people still have to pay some sort of deductible. No way I could afford to go through 6 cars like that.
LOL You’ve been watching too many Bollywood movies, haven’t you?
Shouldn’t have said anything if you dont want to explain your comment.
More SUVs and crossovers will be made but I doubt sedans will become extinct. Ford’s decision was dumb and they will soon realize their mistakes.
Do you have eyes?
You can get off my dick now you replied to me 2 other times. And stop with the awww shit you like idiot.
I’m not fired up about it, I’m just saying that its not professional and it sounds strange.