Marc Alan Fishman

*stretches rubber arms to suffocate a homeless man* "This… is my design."

Stumbled into this by way of finishing Maron, and listening to the Arnet WTF. Late to the party, and this premiere isn't going to see me coming back.

C'mon Conanando!

From now on, please type out Mr. Stro(ng)man's name as he says it: BRRRRAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGHHHH!

You're clearly missing Unshaven Comics' "The Samurnauts: Curse of the Dreadnuts"!

Can we just keep a mic on for all of Owen's matches?

*Spielberg removes mask, revealing Michael Bay's stunning maw* Finally…

Points if it's Mary as herself in Last Man on Earth

Ya'll missed Sting's new one dropping this month.

Make America cheap again.

OMG French Montana!!

Next time, you could just make the review simpler.

I just KNEW the article would reach its apex with the laundry list of more and more , absurd -nut M&M candy flavors. But damnit, AV Club? You still made me laugh. Curse you and your predictable-yet-hilarious skewing of today's worthless news!

I know I fell on this video late. But can someone please tell the gentleman that you don't "taste" sodium.

It's about bears.

But what about We Bare Bears?!

Finding fault with Kevin smith is akin to finding snark on the AV Club. Pointing it out is futile.

Toss this on a whopper with bacon, add a large onion ring and large chocolate shake. Then tell my family it had to be this way.

How about this for a conversation point: these ladies couldn't afford to actually get some business cards made, and opted for the "tear off sheet" cards from office max. Way to go. Men do it better, AGAIN.

From the people that funded that one asshat's potato salad dreams…