
Right? So off-brand for them, and for Salzburg, seriously down-market.

Me too, and I loved everything except that bloody bus tour. You don't even get to see Salzburg much during it, you're mostly just riding down country roads from one filming spot to another, and none of them look much like the movie (to my mom's disappointment), and meanwhile you're listening to that soundtrack over

Oh, the nuns were fantastic. Really unreasonably lovable and huggable. And serious musicians — it's a long tradition with them, nothing to do with that bloody movie.

I appreciated the hell out of that beerhall, I appreciated the nuns, the mountain, the city, and every single damn other thing about Salzburg generally. I love Salzburg. I'd go back today. I will not, however, go back to any SoM tourist spots, or listen to that bloody musical ever again. Salzburg is the birthplace of

We weren't in that hostel, thank god, we were in a nice quiet little pension that had something to do with Mozart, because that was my mom's other obsession. So, everything about Salzburg except that bus tour was fabulous.

I also stayed in Salzburg, with my mom, and was forced by her to go on one of those bus tours, which she had to pay for and which lasted THREE hours. The payback I demanded was that we spend most of our remaining time there in that very same amazing beerhall. Augustiner brewmonks FTW!

Unbreakable Miss Lovely is one, and the other big one you need to read is Bare Faced Messiah by Russell Miller. That book makes all the other books make sense, because it's actually a thoroughly researched bio of Hubbard that also serves as a history of Scientology up until his death. So it's the best possible

Who you callin' a spambot?

If you're poor they recruit you and then suck you into working for them to pay for your training. Spoiler: the pay is almost zero and the workweek hours can run into the triple digits.