
I am not judging what other people do but holy shit - let’s also not add another layer of bullshit expectation to every human experience either. You have been building a human for months, after that marathon you just pushed it in to the world in an often olympic style epic event. At the end of that you shouldn’t feel

Can we also note that Princess Catherine was actually photographed HOURS after her labour. They did not share delivery room shots, but posed for official photographs later. The leaving the hospital shot has a venerable tradition - as everyone wears a planned outfit. This is not that.

Is it just me or does Mia Goth kinda have a Mason wife vibe/look?

Why retouch the image at all. Ms Kardashian looks extremely fit and the muscle shadows they removed on her arms look stupid in the after. Fucking magazines. Without those muscles you might not be able to lift your arm. Basic anatomy lessons would teach you that.

It's the Matrix...

WTF is the world coming to? If she was at a indoor play area would they have arrested her too? What about if they were on a path and the kids were 30 yards ahead? What about bicycling? Holy crap - and the fact that because she has been charged she has to grovel and say some bullshit about bad decision-making. Utter

Accomplices. That is coming a bit strong. At 16 and possibly under the influence you are not exactly in a fully formed human part of your existance. Things that happened to me at that age - when I was still a child - aren’t all that clear - or in hindsight are perceived differently to what they were at the time

And much deserved shade. If you shit talk like Sharapova does you had better be able to back it up.

Or during press junket it comes up. Similar to Jennifer Aniston and all those questions regarding her ex and his new mrs- the press often can't let it go.

In other articles she describes how the two thrown over ex partners hung out (the families were very close prior to re establishing themselves in this configuration) and mourned the loss of their first marriages as friends and supported one another through the divorces. It seems that the friendship turned to romance

I’ll bet. Hahaha! But often you get the urge to self sensor once a particularly bad reply is published.

Grasping greediness has been going on for years. My late great Mum (Bev) was best buds with a girl who’s family owned a crystal factory. She had a crystal shower for my Mum - think cost prices were offered and back in the day a single glass was received as graciously as an entire set. An office mate of my mum and

Amen to that. I have no idea how to pick this one up and examine it in a way that makes sense. This is one that will have to fade away because I don’t even know if she can begin to explain it herself. Just seeing her do the interviews was sureal.

It is sad. And I did think about how it might undermine the NAACP. I have been seeing a lot of people using this as a transphobic launching off point too. Bad all around really.

I wasn’t assuming anything about your identity - going purely off what you were saying. And when I am saying ‘you’ I am saying it in the way people would formerly say ‘one does not’ like a third person.

I totally agree with your statement about her hair and the way she dresses. I like it a lot. That being said in the

Also, being an ally and feeling you have a right to speak AS a black person are different. There are hardly enough PoC who get airtime as it is - do we really need some white person masquerading as black taking up even more space? It completely negates black experience by making it something we can all pick up or put

My friend is the white mother of an inter-racial child. She has to work to understand her child’s experience and has to learn from her how she will identify. Her child shares her genes but not her experience. It doesn’t make my friend black because she has shared genes with her kid.

She may be cute - but by

She is bullshit. Total bullshit. Hugely offensive and weird. And also how come no one called her on it. Did she live somewhere far away from where anyone knew her that no one knew. Also, her husband - how, did he not call her on it/stay with her? So mostly I am a baffled white woman. I get away with shit for sure - so

Trying to imagine what a vetting process would look like. I mean for job applications do they have an ethnicity box? If is it a volunteer role same? Also, this is not exactly something they could plan for when designing a job competition process (although other candidates might now be feeling the burn on this one if

People to the right of the political spectrum and hard line religious people are going to have a field day with this in terms of ‘identity’ with regards to gender, ethnicity etc... very troubling. I can’t fathom her motives but this is really upsetting.