
So how do you demonstrate good behaviour then? You colour within the lines? You don’t kill someone with your plastic fork?

Because you know he really did a public service getting rid of that woman he was dating...pesky career obstacle...

This is great parenting. Adopting the same tactics that people did in WWII to shame women who had slept with Nazi soldiers (often due to coercion or a need to survive). Excellent.

Thanks. I see this story and really wonder how the Duggars can care so much about their male children that they allow harm to come to their female ones.

Pleased to see she has a fashion cover and like every woman found there on - is airbrushed and bedazzled to shit. Very nice. And by that I mean - very nice. This is a great thing to see because they have shot her sympathetically, treated the production side of the shoot beautifully.

I had this experience with a family member and frankly it made me very ill for a long time. I have never truly gotten over it. I feel shame and self-loathing.

In “oh shut the fuck up” news. So back to the muffin top, chiropractor-appointment inducing nonsense is it! I think not! Crunches are going to sort being female and not being built to hang things off of not 100% Olympian muscle? A belt? Bahahahah. This is an elitist style that most people cannot rock. Thanks for

Holy shizzle - the poor woman - that is what the rest of us look like on the daily (well me on the school run when I forget my eyeliner) but luckily no one is there asking if I had a head transplant. FFS - people!

If it were true I think the outrage is meant to come at the idea of him first wanting to abort the child and then second then wanting to take the child away from the mother?

Having recently had my entitlement (deservedly) checked but good I have to say that I am working on being something other than an ally or a 'good white person'. Think a sitting down and shutting up person...and a reading things and learning person...and a person who makes sure to create opportunities for people who

Interesting thing - I am a bit older - and it could be my experience is unique: but I met my husband on the internet in the early 2000s - so sort of at the infancy of internet dating sites. I didn't get this kind of experience on there and wondered if other women my age lived something different. I wonder if the

How does she never age. She is so beautiful. I love her. Stoked to see this film.

Actually - it didn't start out adorably. He is exhibiting some pretty aggressive facial expression at the outset. Jebus - what are people thinking. They can pick through logs to get to bugs with their bloody nails - you reckon they won't make short work of your very soft and ever so tempting dumb-person head?


Having worked for the Canadian government in the UK - seal hunt protests are a thing there - and I have ambivelence about seal hunting based on Inuit rights and poor communities who are supported by the hunt (when done humanely) - we would get some of the most insane stuff outside our doors. Lots of gore, lots of

It is because he was taken down by a woman from his own community - and it felt like back in the day when his Mum gave him that slap on the back of the head. Excellent. Totally cowed look by the end.

Yes - plus there is not set down like a London set down. Boom!

Well the Rehtaeh Parsons case was similar - and only after the girl killed herself - and photos of her vomiting while being sexually assaulted only resulted in charges of child porn in Halifax. F-ing disgrace!

Agreed. Keep trying to explain this to people.

I like this idea. A lot. I have long since thought that Black Friday is exploitative - it is nice to think that it might be used for good and social justice. Next a working wage? Dare to dream big! Good luck on Friday!