
"she told The Violet Files about caring for her newborn baby Gosling."

That is some beautiful stuff right there Madeleine (you are incidentally close to my heart because you have the same - correctly spelled - name as my beloved 6 year old daughter)! I saw what you did. Well done you!

For your information:

You will warm to it as it goes on. At first I wasn't sold - but he is growing on me. Also, he is definitely a bit young for me - like I can't enjoy the show in the same way I do the Arrow. I am getting on for that age though, where TV shows have heroes in them I would consider minnows only suitable for catch and

I am all in favour of any man doing endless salmon ladder exercises - plus Ms Smoke is my spirit animal. If they don't get together this season I feel that I will digitize myself, climb through the wires of my TV and open an can of whoop ass on the writers/producers over there. GARGH. How could she choose the google

Holly God. These poor wee girls. I makes you want to just lie face down on the ground and give up. I am so scared for my daughter when she comes of age. You'd think by now that we would be getting some traction with this stuff.
Not to minimize one loss, but in Ottawa there was a soldier shot at the cenotaph -

My only thought is - why all the grease?

In Canada, the Jian Ghomeshi thing had this in endless loop. I am sorry, but when you are wrong, your argument doesn't stand up the rest of us shouldn't have to listen!!!

Both my leather jacket and my north face shell have the best pockets - it is an awesome feeling to go out sans cavernous purse. Bonus? Can't carry anyone else's crap, "sorry, no space!!"

Is she throwing shade or just talking hypothetically. I have some entrails for you to look at and geese are flying in my hood - surely you can make up some hidden meaning in all of that too!

I would say that the rigors of training, the fact that it isn't everyone charged with a $165 million dollar (base price) piece of kit to use at their job, and being female in a country where women are at a serious disadvantage in the work force would mean that Major Mariam Al Mansouri is worth those two buffoons x

Letter two - fantastic advise. If you have ever cared for a chronically ill person (my mother when I was a teen) or raised kids (two now that I am an adult) that is some seriously emotionally taxing work right there. You are out to have fun and relax - being bullied by some know-nothing tool is not the way to achieve

I too feel robbed (robbed I tell you!) that there exist no photos of said vagina cookies. I will be happily and busily imagining how you could render a vagina in cookie anatomically correct enough to be a teaching aid.
My thoughts - icing them with this might work:…
Just really want

True story Mini Marca (6) is often found adjusting her labia on the couch whilst watching TV. We discuss how her vagina is not a pocket and that if there is a great reason to be doing anything but adjusting maybe it isn't a great place to store your hand (well not without washing it after before touching anything else

Is she meant to be any good at modeling? Or are they parading her about like a sort of side show because of her family notoriety?

I worked in a pub as a waitress. The bartender was a complete douche - pull part pints and use the leftovers to sell on the side, pocketing the money and making you pay him out your tips even when he became an owner of the bar (the other owners if behind the bar would never do this). But the best part was that he

The last time I took a Voyageur Bus trip from Montreal to Toronto there was a guy eating with one hand some extremely scary looking Asian delight (which I am sure is not as scary as it looks but to someone who, at that point in their personal evolution found spaghetti pretty exotic it looked like the innards of a

The most unrealistic part being of course that any woman would choose the rubber-faced pine over him. I was profoundly offended by that notion.

Maybe a good approach to dealing with tone would be to actually do a domestic abuse month instead of that pink bullshit money grab thing they do for breast cancer!

Ummm but not everyone would want their kid to be looking up to her as their 'motivation'. She attended an arts focused school and she is an artist and so that might say 'good fit' as far as talking to an audience of would be artists - however, as a parent and a Mum to a daughter and son I hope to raise as feminists -

We are not really doing this are we? We are not really reducing the entire thing down to 'not all men' already. Sorry poppet but if it hurts your feelings to be told about reality for other humans - if your 'I am not like that' is a count of one and my 'thousands of interactions with sexist men' is 1,000 and every