
I have rosacea - and can official confirm the 'fuck that's gross' and 'watch me sterilize every fucking thing that I own that can be washed'!. There is a cream for it thank god that gets rid of my bad reaction to them...and their fucking.

I am a mum of two young kids. I drive everywhere I have to go, and don't have much club/festival hours logged anymore because a lot of the events are not kid appropriate (well not at the age my kids are yet) so I forget how utterly despicable men in public spaces can be. I am of the push him, kick him in the balls

Have sex and don't worry about anything but the condoms - and you know what - do it when you are sober. In fact - drink less so you remember stuff and feel less depressed.

Do the singing thing and go to art school - who gives a shit if it doesn't lead to a meaningful career - you'll be a SAHM at forty and at least

I just can't with her. Her 'style' is so annoying. She always looks half assed and like no fitting was done on any garment. I guess she does make headlines because of how consistently her outfits don't work. <well that and the fact that her work is really great.

Well who knew something reasonable could happen involving a black young person being shot. I will say that she probably, and this is my cynicism talking here, a more sympathetic victim because she was female.

I just can't with Minaj on this one...the song is insanely weak. It is painful and the video is trite and vulgar - but not in the good way. I know I am not the target audience - being an old and having a fanny and all - but I guess I like a little bit more filet and less hamburger helper style sexiness. Just cringy.

Having a tired dumb moment: did she pay or did they? Or do we know...sorry two kids, one drumming on EVERYTHING in my living room whilst singing - and the other raising the volume on Littlest PetShop so she can hear over said drumming - two stray thoughts cannot be strung together...

Not even. No.

I was discussing the portrayal of WoC in Taylor Swifts latest monument to bland-dom and was saying how it was at best culturally incensitive and at worst racist and was told to lighten up. So lighten up because as Williams says the narrative about PoC is being written in a very specific way and that way is very wrong,

Sorry - doing - my kids were speaking behind me (bedtime and I was being called by my husband to 'watch this guy on American Ninja Warrior') of course it was an Edward (although the first according to the Official Monarchy Website. We'll get there! ;)

Thanks for the details. If you think of what London was meant to be like - or even Edinburgh you get a strong sense of how vile the cities were. I might even take a second crack at these books. Might have been too young for them the first go 'round. That's what I like - you can always go back and try something again!

Henry 'Longshanks' was over 6' and I was looking in to it and it would appear that people might have been slightly taller before industrialization (population explosions but then poor nutrition and harsh working conditions). Thanks for the update though. Wondered about it.

What I would love is if they were to show how hard life was on women in the physical sense. Like life expectancy at birth was 30 - with an increase to 63 if you lived to 21 and were healthy that meant you were in old age in your if you were 40. Were you wrinkled and worn out (I expect if you had a load of children -

I always wanted the shitty supplies - having nice stuff got me bullied (stabbed with a compass, hair cut off, beaten by a circle of clog-wearing girls) so I wanted the cheapy shit from Zellers - but we could not have that! My mother grew up poor so for her getting nice things was a wishfulfillment thing. Sadly, it

My husband's old company in the UK had what they called 'Duvet Days' which you could call in for on the last minute. I think that is both sane and humane. There are just some days that you need to be strolling around Winners and hanging out giving a friendly wave to your boss rather than at work.

Sorry - but do any of these people watch actual videos? Like. At all? The sexism alone is enough to make sure that we are a 'Juicebox' family - and even then we talk about the representation of women and POC. Seriously. You want to fix the issues with the music industry - where to begin... I am all for people

Truth to the treatment of Black people - however, the heavy arming and military uniforms with APVs is something new. Riot gear was the previous thing - but holy shizzle these guys wearing leftover stuff from Iraq is an insane new addition to the already sickening pre-existing issue.

Simon Lebon all the way! Now there was some quality facial hair! If I go elf I certainly don't want it served up with a side of bad Vincent Price mustache.

That last bit - if they can go an entire month without killing an unarmed black men then they can get their toys back is the key! WTF is it all about.

As a Canadian - and I am sure I'll get it in the neck for this - these images make me afraid to travel in the US. I am sure in the resort areas they are keeping it

About Justin Bieber:
How can anyone want to 'hit that'? He is grim. There are some youngsters that I can say - if I were not an old person to them I would be all over - hello Jamie Campbell Bower (born the year before I graduated high school), Alex Pettyfer can also attend any sleepytime party I dream up. But Bieber -