
I used to tell my husband that his accent was panty peeler for North American girls. Sadly, quite true of all of the Isles and the Irish accents. Even Scoucers get a look in, even though no one knows what the hell they are saying half the time over here.

You can't be British if you are not thicker skinned than that! Most mickey taking is like water off a ducks back...

I am married to a Londoner and lived there. Both my kids are duals. I still own a home there and would live there in a heartbeat if there weren't so many bloody taxes and work was more plentiful (and my

She is British - they don't call them whinging Poms for nothing.

Did the UPS debacle not reach the US? I had heard there were delivery issues. Also, I get that you want to get your situation sorted ASAP but it isn't sensible to call on certain days or shop on certain days and not expect to wait an "excessive" amount of time to get service. If you are calling between Christmas and

I find what she has to say interesting because of being from a showbiz family and still having rose coloured glasses when it comes to the fantasy of what being a 'pop star' is meant to be.

On a cultural level she isn't really all that "out there" in terms of British shooting from the hip type talking. There are loads

Yeah the best kept non-secret..."like being gay isn't his only shtick? How can that be?!"

Sorry - three...but still mucho sausage fiesta...pass.

No women in the this a masonic lodge?

LOL. I know but there are administrative roles, and coordinating roles, there are just ways and means. It seems ridiculous to fire someone over this. Persuasion would have been the better part of it if they felt her concerns were groundless.

Pull yourself together...

I agree with this. Where is the humane solution. I worked as a janitor at a pharma company every summer to put myself through Uni and there were pregnant ladies who had their cleaning rotas changed out of certain areas where a risk was perceived by either the employee or employer. They had other tasks assigned - like

Also - if this is equality (picking at men for their appearance after they have a new baby in their life) I say fuck that! Why can't we stop this stupid weight thing for everyone. He is a human, doing a human thing...we are not all hitting the gym every day or week when other priorities come up. He looks cute and

This picture is very deceiving - the draping and angle don't do her shape justice...she looks great at that size, or any. Great if she is healthy and happy either way. Manipulating the images either way. Wonder if they airbrushed the 'after' at all. Wouldn't surprise me!

I also hope that the person they hired has the same political slant. It would be a shame to crash and burn Salander because someone wanted to make a bit of dosh.

I agree but also disagree. It is a perfect pile of poop for all the reasons that you describe. But on the other hand it has lovely photos of the city of London (kind of like a travel video) and some very Englishy moments - Emma Thompson telling him not to be a sissy and Bill's naughty seedy bloke being two of them. It

Thank you. Precious B is too funny not to poke fun at!

So with all this carry on, does anyone want to hear what the jurors think of 'George' now? Ooopsy much?

Beautiful! Thank you!

Seriously. I just said: Oh my gawwwwwd...but not in a good way. In a sort of sad and 'that's not hot' sort of way. Like an old lady. Holy shit she is like the anti-sexy in this. Also, she is killing a cat with that vocal! Ick!