
She did work for a fashion company - but it was a high street shop so I reckon she isn't too far up herself that she can't have some fun.

This is the ultimate in attention seeking ding-dongery. This woman IS as dumb as toast and should not be out in public commenting on anything. She is vile, bigoted and biased. She fat shames and she doesn't get it. She DOES deserve a huge spanking verbally and yet she is so entrenched in what she believes she will not

I thought some of his answers in the Paxman interview was very well done. I do agree that voter turn out is an issue (everywhere in the traditional big democracies where it is not actually enforced by law - maybe something we should be looking at?) and the idea of revolution simply in those terms is a bit like when I

Possibly what you were implying is: as a Brit you couldn't give a toss that they celebrate leaving the commonwealth (twice).

As a Canadian I can attest that many of us pity of you for not having a full month break between the ritual theft of the Hallowe'en candy and the eating of Christmas goodies. Makes us very sorry for you. That and Black Friday.

OK - now this is a picture I can agree with.

This actually makes me sad. I know it is a big thing in the US - but holy Hannah, it always looks like a day at the arena where the rich people who own stores get to watch the majority of the nation who isn't part of the 1% tear each other to shreds over knickers at VS and electronics - never mind how fun it must be

I wondered about that too - but apparently the court documents were filed before she lost the baby. It just makes me wonder at what kind of person could have so little ability to empathize with another human that they could do this sort of thing - especially when they were pregnant.

They also like to throw in random English phrases into the songs in the Anime...which makes me laugh because they are REALLY random!
I guess it isn't any better when it is done in ANY country - and sadly dominant cultures or dominant groups (economically or in numbers) have done this kind of thing for years and still

Seriously. There are some subjects that tick people off on targeted blogs. Sadly sexual assault shouldn't be one of them.
If it turns out that they were discussing how she wanted to take off her clothes etc...and said that she was happy to be broadcast on the internet then people will gladly eat their words. But if

How come the entertainment media industry (TV, Film, gaming) just doesn't get on board with the fact that women have money and by representing them in film (not just romantic comedies or as props) you might actually find a whole new audience. Like why not make a division dedicated to films targeted at women? And find


Even in rape scenes you often get a sort of razors edge of filming, where they are not sure how to treat it and sometimes slip in to stylizing it or shooting it like a traditional consensual sex scene. There are subjects so painful to victims (racism, gender-based violence) that really need a thoughtful approach

That is also sort of amazing to me. You do not get to see full frontal male very often but 3/4 woman or full frontal is not unheard of. Eastern Promises - Vigo Mortensen's full frontal is an astonishing bit of cinema as it is used to underline the vulnerability of his character in a violent attach scene. I find that

Just seemed astonishing that you would wonder at semi nude. I was imagining you turning on Jeopardy, and like University Challenge and maybe Hockey Night in Canada (without beer ads) to wonder like that. Not really an attack as much as a really hyperbolic: how can that be? What TV shows/ads/movies must you NOT be

You know those Welsh...what can you do with a group that will have a leak as its symbol...

By comparing apples to penguins you aren't making much of an argument. I am totally in agreement that willfully taking your kid away from the other parent is wrong. In each of the cases you describe you are discussing a living child. A child in utero is being discussed here. It isn't clear that she notified the other

Now playing

Women wearing their knickers and bra (or bikini) or some variation on that theme (like only a man's shirt or t and knickers), in the history of TV and film is a THING. So you must have VERY limited film and TV viewing. Also, female nudity if film - mostly of the "we've seen your boobs" variety is so common that

You'll be amazed at how amazing they are with siblings. My oldest is a girl and I am sure would LOVE to run her brother over with a truck a lot of the time - but seemed to 'get' that prior to walking and talking she could not be rough. Now that he is 2.5 it gets a bit worse but fair play to her, he is rough so she

Sad thing of course is that song - which appears to be from around the time when I was a baby dinosaur - still works today. Gargh! My boy is awesome with his baby - he bathes him, and laughs when it farts in the tub with him, and works out where all its bits are (wonders where the penis is...) and knows how to be

In the immortal words of Paris Hilton: That's Hot!