
Oh made me laugh and cringe at the same time! Yikes!

I know the plus thing is an industry word - but for f's sake - being a ten makes you a plus sized model!?! Gargh!!!!

It is funny - I have always thought she was the better looking, more talented of the three of the DC women. I hope that she gets some of the bigger kind of success she deserves.
I like her voice because it has so much colour to it - a real texture lacking in the other DC member's sound. Also, she sings intelligently,

I guess I was hoping for more gravitas here...

Not encoraging it - but does't always make kids who are badly raised...what's wrong with stating that?

Fair enough - but they have frozen her in time at the end of puberty/beginning of womanhood and 'tarted' her up - an expression used in English idiom as having put on a bit of slap (make up). She looks like some video game younger sister of Lara Croft...more male fantasy than girlish princess.

Also, bigger boobs, decolte is lower (less practical), archery is gone, bedazzled, fake eye lashes...

I DO see the BIG DEAL. If you have had the whole - princess swallowed my daughter thing - where they get their worth measured in 'pretty' and 'beautiful' all the time (and this is by the time my child is 5(!!!) mind you - you would be bugged by the make over. She looked fine before and now she looks all tarted up. Why

I just can't a parent and the daughter of a gun collector I don't know how you could be more irresponsible. Teaching respect of guns - which one of the quotes in the original post on the subject included - is probably prolonging the time before which you earn the right to use one. Totally bat shit crazy to

Just ugly to look at. Why is it that the lowest common denominator can always go lower?

This. Why skirt the issue. If we really care about victims of sexual assault then why is this post titled this way. Kind of pissed me off actually. So Jezebel is relying on his opinion of the incident out of respect, because he is posting conflicting things on his Twitter? That sounds a bit like slut-shaming to me. He

In unrelated-to-fashion comments: I love Simon Pegg. Love his tweets, love his awkward geekish ways, love his ginger hair...just love him. That is all.

Also, I would like for my daughter to listen to me and do what I ask her to do before I scream at her like Dave does at Alvin. Maddie...Maddie...

I think the basic thing is that seeing different bodies is helpful - as in - I have boobs or don't or I have a bum and no boobs, or I am tall, long waisted, short waisted...whatever and the more variety you see shown the easier it is to imagine what the clothing looks like on you. Also, it is easier to imagine opening

I would like flowers (not shitting you) and to have the house to myself so I can sing power ballads of the 70s, 80s, and 90s while running through the house naked with a deep cleansing mask on.

In Quebec where I grew up there was only primary and secondary school. So seventh was high school. We read Anne Frank (edited), Eli Wiesel's Night, and several others of the kind. I have re-read the Diary recently and think it is fine for a 12/13 year old. Consider most parents let them read Twilight (stalking,

Perhaps it is. And frankly, give me that guy from high schools address I would like to punch him in the crotch for you! I am sure your tits are lovely! ;)

Ahhh the jean skirt...the only thing I had in my pregnancy arsenal that I liked. It had the softest waist cover material - fond recollections of wearing that. Pregnancy tights that go with? GAAAarrrgh!

Best graphic ever!

It is a brand that originated from that sleazy old bloke Branson though...