
I guess what bugs me in this is that she is so purer than pure on so many subjects (read: I am a better human, mother, eater-of-food, purchaser of goods, ethical thinker) and then she goes and endorses something in this manner.

I would prefer a child totally naked to in a bikini. It is saying that they have a body not

How the F did we ever dance with those bird cage perches on our ears? I had lots of colourful Docs, huge earrings but as a punk rocker wore tons of black throughout the 80s and 90s. Socks were huge - as they were always patterned and brightly coloured. Hair was so crazily sprayed up and out and full of henna


Seriously, this is a nice hat. The shit that the two Fergy/Andrew offspring wore to the Royal Wedding were pants! This, at least, is a classic line.

Also, she is such a sweet pregnant person. I have a lot of love for pregnant women in general because after two kids I know how ouchy, achy it can be. With me you start


True - was just surprised that it sounded sort of genuine - like what you would hear a normal mortal say when they did a bad - the drink-driving thing should have been foremost of course. I guess that would have probably been covered under the 'legal matters' as saying she shouldn't have been in the car with a drunk


Gotta say: classy apology by Ms Witherspoon. Not everyone will admit what they did (being human under stress) and state the facts as they were (I was an arse after having one too many drinks!)!


Fashion 'icons' are all interesting and such - and I don't disagree with her assessment about design being angry or the weirdness that it skews heavily male when it comes to its stars (as do michelin chefs for that matter). But anything that men touch that is something where you would perhaps have seen a woman

I agree with this. But, beyond the obvious, 'they are the competition' thing - there are plenty of instances when Jez has republished a piece in its entirety or excerpts (as above article illustrates nicely) and it may behoove them to do so in these instances so that readership who are allies, but not versed in where

It is the number of people running to the victims. No one discussing what they should be doing - just them getting on with it. That is what I take away from this. Evil will not win, it cannot win when you see that.


Please don't stop about John Hamm's loose canons and sausage - I just can't live without reading the headlines you come up with. Thanks! Was laughing even before I clicked the link.

Doing - that'll teach me to type whilst my toddler is asking me to brush doll's hair with him.

I used to work for both immigration and DFAIT straddling the Liberal and 'Canada's New Government' can only say it makes me sick to see how they are sneaking in morality legislation in places like the budget. Makes me sick. Will have a look at as you are totally correct about the throat stabbing...I live in

Wow - Canadian conservatives are stupid enough to make it to the big leagues of a Jezzy mention! Go wait!

And for once an article where choices that are traditional don't make me sound like a gender traitor. Yeh!

I guess it all depends on being able to find a seat without someone joking about dongles near it - or how many of this kind of chatter she had overheard. Maybe she did ask previously with others and had reached her limit.

That was part of what the con was promoting - inclusiveness. They also had a harrassment policy in place. And also, the fact that the entitled white male community of techland closed ranks. She should sue the living shit out of them and start her own company with some female evangelists. So. Tired. Of. Being. A. Bad.