
She is supposedly this powerful person then she should try using that power for something more than personal gain and glory. I am sure she gives to charity etc... But she didn't sign up as a philanthropist when she signed her record deal. And not skipping the rhe corporate responsibility angle just speaking to the

There is a book like this:

OK enough with that Beyonce creature. So. Fucking. Boring. Of course she is going to have her crap made in sweatshops/slavery - she is like every other greedy rich person who would walk over dead babies to get money.

I AM reading it right now. Hey back!

That is nice. Also matter of fact - as it should be.


The choice thing is huge - but still it boggles the mind what we will be persuaded into because of stupid outside standards that are nonsense.

I am sure I will now get it in the neck about circumcision but I really don't care. I don't think that it is so hard to wash your penis or vagina so that it stays clean...and frankly I don't think any higher being is looking to have your foreskin, labia or clitoris as a sacrifice.

OK...this Barbie thing makes me so mad. I am hugely against genital mutilation as performed in parts of Africa. This stupidity, for the sake of when a fucked up shit head guy looks at your vagina and goes 'gross' because he is a miserable bastard or in the doctors case a sadistic opportunist, lends credence to what is

I think this woman should start a file with the police about him. Delusional? Check! Persistent? Check! Not willing to accept no as an answer? Check...also, working in the industry that she does, doesn't lend itself to huge amounts of respect from guys - who are there to look at naked women and ultimately objectify

This is the truth - so many times you see the designer wearing something super nice after showing some weird whackadoness on the run way. I know I am being a cretin and that these are about the 'art' aspect of clothing design - but I really don't get my end away over most of it.

This made me laugh - and then I started to think what a body would look like are 'pruny' as we call it chez moi...and then I laughed again! ;)

One beautiful garment amidst a lot of stuff that should make the models look as depressed as they appear - that silver/black 3/4 sleeve floor-length is stunning.

Those hot pants are not very flattering...not on her and not on anyone. Ick.

I think that as a PP said - it is some people's taste and not others. Do I like it - or did I when I was a single person - not so much all the time - but sometimes it was just so trashy and nasty that it was fun. Did I give a shit about being called a lesbian or a frigid bitch if I didn't sleep with guys who hit on

Well you know - facts should never get in the way of a good story telling - heck if your whole system of belief is say: garden gnome worship or whatevz you shouldn't be held to a standard of adult reasoning like the rest of the world.

I feel sorry for the people who sent them. At least this is a positive occasion...let's hope is someone were bereaved they could manage a better showing. I am sure you would appreciate the gesture but you might eyebrow raise and/or be hurt by the last ones...I hope they all get a gift voucher or a replacement bouquet!'s the make up? I think it their ropy, stringy looking chicken necks that the clothing highlights that get me. I know they are meant to be thin but when they resemble this: only less appealing.

I heard that too. It is also interesting that the kids survived the car accident because they were asleep on the floor of the car...old school safety issues.

Here is the thing. Life is about ebbs and tides - sometimes it is all about you and sometimes it is all about them. I have two kids and know that those of you who don't couldn't give a flying monkey's toss if my kids are cute, talking, shitting on their potties or the Queen of England - and fair play. I also promise