
I was like....what now?!

Possible - or a better stylist. Yikes - I have to say I wouldn't want any of the 80s photos of me crawling out so it sucks to be a celebrity when you can back catalogue them and see how ultimately foolish their previous 'looks' have been - even relative to their time.

And what about recognizing that we are simply putting our child care needs on to another woman. So in the end are we really having that great feminist moment we think we are having or are we actually? We are liberating educated women of a certain socio-economic group but in order to do so we are asking that another

This is in response to several threads about SAHMs vs those who go to work:

I am not a saint (and that was established long before your arrival on the scene) and don't have a martyr complex so that works out well. I agree about the bus throwing - my response was to the gender traitor comments being made - so I hope to see your useful advice and insights under their posts helping them to see

And not all SAHM think it is ideal to be there either - not all day every day - but economics being what they are it is sometimes the smartest choice for now. But calling me a gender traitor and describing my life as meaningless in terms of advancing feminism is bullshit.

Nope. But the point was I didn't judge them for it. They are my friends and there are other places that they give back. I don't feel judged by them - but that post pissed me off.

So it goes both ways then...suck it. I find this whole women-on-women crime shit. We have lots of men in the world to shit from on us from on high without doing it to each other. But to have what I do reduced down by someone else's choice to me perpetuating patriarchy is bullshit.

He does help out with the kids - nice assumptions there, wow! - and achieving workplace equality isn't just about the numbers it is about changing the work place and how it is set up so that different types of family set ups can be accomadated. Also, when I own my own company will I pass - if I don't go to a

What I love is how I am counter your cause but when you need free child care, a package signed for, a little something picked up a the store, a lift for your kid, a costume repaired, instructions from the teacher our kids share on a project you'll be glad to ask for my help while you swan around fighting the good

What's that leathery thing next to her in the photos at the book, not a purse...

This is a fab question. It makes me sooo mad! Go her! She is a f-ing superhero already!

Please. Don't. Dakota...just. don't. Ick...shudder.

Also, he came across as some kind of fetishist who 'likes his work' on an inappropriate level. Jealous much - your little winky can come but my vagina is able to produce whole humans out of it after my body has grown them. How is that operation even legal. So. Sick.

It is pretty hard to go around having a serious discussion about genital mutilation when dumb ass morons with too much money and a serious addiction to plastic surgery are messing around with their labias because somebody made a make work project out of something that should look varied - the day that they start

These books were shelved when I was little because I said I wanted to be a doctor or an astronaut and my brother said 'you're a girl!' and my mother asked him where he got the idea that girls couldn't be doctors or astronauts and he said: 'well you never see the lionesses in What do People Do All Day being doctors do


Well it puts a different colour on Kelly Clarkson's performance - as that appeared to actually BE live. No offence to Ms Knowles - who I am not a huge fan of to begin with - but she fits right in with the back drop of professionals at selling and lying on the hill. ;)

Cried just now listening to her. My God what a horrible waste to loose her. Voice of the century. Effortless, epic, emotional. So. Sad.

I agree. WTF is the world coming to? I am so tired of it all. Maybe it is enough interwebz for me for a bit - every time I come online there is some ludicrous shit that some dumb ass has pulled...why?! Because people SUCK!