
They're just hungry for information.

I LOVE that definition of black marriage and how it is empowering to the black female. Truly, truly insightful.

She has at least seventeen revenge solo albums sitting around, just in case.

Just because I don't fux with her musically does NOT mean I won't applaud the fuck outta this woman. This was ingenious and one of the reasons why she is ridiculously successful. Moves like this. I'm always here for #BlackExcellence

Sheryl Underwood needs to shut up and stop embarassing herself with her self-hating antics.

Well...that was depressing. Not one of them seemed to question how sad it is that she had to do that to get ahead. It was a chance to actually have a really interesting conversation. Instead it boiled down to "who cares! you look great!". Aisha Tyler at least looked dismayed.

She obviously can't change something she did years ago, but the idea that it's just "a choice" to change your non-white features specifically to look more white, and that it's not a problem that POC are made to feel that their very livelihoods and worth are affected by how white they can look, just floors me. I guess

I see she also got a Bumpit surgically implanted...

I...wish I could say I'm happy that altering the face she was born with allowed her to advance her career. I have no real issues with plastic surgery, it's a real equalizer in a crappy playing field in which people who look the 'nicest' get ahead. I'm so over people acting all holier-than-thou with people who admit to