the recent V6 has more guts than many V8s had in the ‘70s
the recent V6 has more guts than many V8s had in the ‘70s
In a way, it reminds me of the Meat Wagons that would drive around neighborhoods in the summer, playing their distinctive tune and all us kids would chase after it, paying a quarter for a big, sloppy handful of ground beef! Those were the days
except it’s not illegal to stop working a Gig, unlike with Indentured Servitude, that was Slavery Lite
Eddie Lambert hardly suffered in destroying Sears and K-Mart
Back in the first energy crisis, rising gas prices put the squeeze on independent truckers
The other way to start an engine, large 4 gauge shotgun shell, the Coffman System
That why many older plants are heirloom, as some types could have only a scant tenth of the yield of modern Dent Corn. Just out performed, with typically fewer ears per stalk, and smaller ears. Farmers look for maximum Profit with the least labor, so that’s why they use the Herbicides, Pesticides and Fertilizers,…
nah, stretch the nose to fit
The Blastolene
with a slightly smaller Ford V8 from a Sherman Tank, 1100
Pretty Retrograde.
Again, when ‘Free’ you just don’t have respect for it.
And then rather than getting some tax money from them, you get zero money
Now I believe that nothing should be free, as then the users treat it as it’s worth nothing, tragedy of the commons and all that.
A few years ago the French had that in mind with taxation.
Unless they are on the lot, no-one will test drive them, and nobody will special order an unknown econobox.
The real crime is leaving Woody home alone, with his enhanced sense of smell, and a full bucket of KFC.
Henry wanted three 8 hour shifts rather than two 10 hour shifts, so production could continue uninterrupted 24 hours
Now, that wasn’t a gift, and Tesla did pay back the loan many years early
Y not?