Dry Pasta really doesn’t get ‘old’ as long as kept in dry and in a sealed container to keep bugs away.
Like the Hedgehogs
Best combo was the A&W and LJS
180. enough to take the sharp bits that would scratch the surface,right off. No need for a mirror finish
I took a belt sander to the bottoms of my Lodge pans.
Alone? as the song went, Jack Daniels, Jim Beam and Johnnie Walker are there for you
Easier way to make a blue drink, is add Blue Curacau to it
Cheap Breakfasts?
My favorite was later: Got Milk?
while the printing says high levels of Sodium, it doesn’t taste that way when combined
Cook some rice
But cake tastes good.
Just what I want from Subway, less choice
Used to have fresh dough made each day
It’s gone from all location now, I believe, but Taco John’s used to have the Taco Burger just a few years ago.
I have used one of these since the ‘60s.
Do not be scared of the SPAM. All those folks in Hawaii can’t be wron about SPAM, can they?