Excuse me, what now????? How is that legal????
Excuse me, what now????? How is that legal????
I have an older 3er manual wagon (2010) that’s just passed 200k km. I love it so much. It’s still in really good shape and I have had literally not a single problem with it, but I am starting to think about what to get next time around. My husband’s thinking of changing brands (he likes the Citroen Cactus which…
Someone else replied saying it was at a bio level for now. While that’s definitely a good thing, I do hope it also evolves to include gender identities.
Unless you’re a girl child and then das/es is totally ok! (Also, when you’re well into your 30s but visiting your grandmother at the old folks home and all the old ladies still refer to you as Es). I’m still mad about it.
:-( I just went and looked and well that’s a bummer. They also have them for the 3er touring diesels up to the 320d x drive.
My husband a nut allergy as well and thankfully he’s not hyper-sensitive because otherwise he’d probably be dead. We went to a restaurant and, same as you, picked a dessert, mentioned the allergy etc. Dessert comes out, I sniff and taste (I’m the apparently not so good sniffer dog of the family) and it clears. My…
I kinda didn’t want to say anything, but her boobs looks great and I’m jealous in a totally non creepy way! Sigh!
I have a commute between 1 and 1.5 hours, half of which is on a motorway. I’ve had to pull over at a rest area to just catch a 15 min nap before. Better that than a crash at 120 kph! Sometimes, you just have to catch a few mins of shut eye.
This so much. She’s a super cute kid and great in her role as Eleven, but she is a KID.
I thought she might be Florence from Florence and the Machine! Totally clutching at straws.
Oh yeah, I’d forgotten all of that with the last ST movie! Good point.
So Wikipedia says first openly gay character in a ST series, and that he’s a science officer (and tardigrade rescuer in chief). His character’s partner is a medical officer. But yeah, I like how it’s just presented as normal. There’s no fuss made around it. It just is.
He’s also currently starring in the new Star Trek Discovery series! No singing there (yet) though.
Yeeeesss! Between the materials and the hours, no way am I selling you even a pair of mittens for 10$!
Because who cares about the disenfranchised, I guess?
They’re obviously all shocking, but sadly not massively surprising with the exception of number 5 which has my jaw on the floor...
Citymapper has it as well and it’s actually tied to your locale. So like if you’re in Berlin, it gives you distances in currywurst or beer. If you’re in Paris, it’ll give you croissants etc. I find it quite funny/cute and definitely don’t take it seriously.
It’s just too much! And that dumb “I’m superior to you all because I have MORALS” smirk. Like, he’s making me sympathise with George. GEORGE!!!
That’s true. I’m honestly couldn’t care less about the first, so what’s my motivation to pay money to see the second if you don’t put something else in the trailer than expressionless Ryan Gossling, 3 seconds of Harrison Ford and the colour orange.
I skipped Poldark season 2 after one or two episodes, and sorta picked 3 again. But to be honest, while 3 is better than 2, it’s a low bar to clear... most of my time was still shouting “Ross, you twat!” and “Demelza, you can do better” at the TV. You wouldn’t be missing out on anything if you never watched it…