Deadspin too! I like reading all of them (haven’t tried AV club yet) because they have such different takes.
Deadspin too! I like reading all of them (haven’t tried AV club yet) because they have such different takes.
You can be my marketing partner!
Something about life imitating art...
Oh I didn’t doubt it! It’s just 7 shades of crazy that anyone would drop actual money on that!
Fuck the fuck off, are you kidding me?
Admittedly, I have very little knowledge of how it works, but I think it’s basically down to shit tons of cash for all of the assholes involved.
Woohoo! I’m glad to have your written column again! (I struggle with podcasts). Looking forward to reading about people’s grossness and the magical powers of vinegar and oxyclean!
For us you can start bidding at literally a dollar. I wouldn’t hope for too much with that kind of bid, but maybe you get lucky!
I’ve found my “upgrade” (even just to a better location in coach) has been much more dependent on being nice and friendly and lucking out with a nice gate agent.
Oh nice! Good for you. It’s honestly a total game changer, especially for those seriously long flights. The space, the ability to sleep, the quieter cabin and the service. I know I pay an arm and a leg for it, but for me, it’s worth getting to my destination not feeling like death warmed up.
Some airlines offer bidding on business/first upgrades. You buy a coach ticket, and then in your online profile you can say that you’ll put down an extra however many dollars for business. The odds are definitely not in your favour if you go in low, but hey, you never know when you might luck out.
Same for my dad, but then he could actually fly business. If I fly transatlantic for work, I can maybe squeeze out premium economy, but most likely end up in coach because we’re a bunch of cheapskates. And my flights are red eyes. You bet I’m not going to dress for the office to sit in coach for 8 hours. What I’ll…
Oh god, I can just imagine parents running out the house to shut up their accidentally racist toddler. But yeah, at 3 it’s one thing, but by 13 I don’t buy that it’s anything but actually racist.
How? What? Huh???? This is literally Racist Epithets 101. In what universe can this be construed as not racist??? Really???? Really?????????
I mean, really, short of not knowing an inkling of English (or pretty much any European language), you KNOW what the n-word means and just how profoundly racist it is. Especially by the age of 13, especially in this day and age. There is ZERO excuse for this. Not a one.
I think there might be some exaggeration there for dramatic effect! We’re not that obsessive (mostly). You do however at least say hello and goodbye to the hosts and any vips.
So I *think* I recall that in the books, Winterfell is supposed to be relatively toasty because it’s built on a hot spring or something and they circulate hot water through (at least) the bedroom walls?
My parents had a Lada in the early 80s and the crank apparently came in quite handy on a regular basis!