the spirit of moira rose

OMG THAT’S THE PLOT?!?!?! I am so glad I didn’t spend money to see it... wtf...


Well, I’ve just had a whoooooooa moment there, so I’m going to go with profound.

She was just a baby. It’s so unbearably tragic that she was failed so badly by her community.

I think someone might actually have replied to you with the gif! It is perfection.

Did you watch the last series of House of Cards? Because Claire pulls that exact line when someone asks her whether she regrets not having children and my husband and I basically high-fived each other.

I don’t think it’s brave in the sense of like truly heroic, but I do think it takes backbone in the generic standing up to peer pressure way. I’m guessing that’s what she’s talking about and I’m actually really grateful a high profile celeb is out there saying that maybe it’s not all rainbows and unicorns from an

It’s already at 35k now!

Very true. One of the things I love about my maternal gran is that she pushed her daughters to get an education and job exactly because of this. Her view was that you never know if your husband is going to leave you or just up and die, so you better be able to take care of yourself. My paternal grandparents on the

I’m glad someone actually understands what I was trying to say! :-D

They are horrendous. It’s like Barbie pants come to life (like crappy tailoring for a doll, but x100). I’m a big fan of elastic waists irl but like, no. And you know that if they look like that on her then us mere mortals don’t stand a chance.

So so true! The hole the gap difference leaves in your pension and total cumulative assets really adds up.

Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge! It’s definitely a conversation that has to happen. Access shouldn’t have to depend on lucking out with your doctor!

I honestly thought Australia would be more liberal and that there wouldn’t be so much variation within the country, but then came across a bunch of articles on Buzzfeed of all places!

I get your point and totally agree.

There have been some studies showing that having children results in better raises for men (breadwinner concept) and worse ones for women. I can’t be bothered googling it right now, but could support what you’re thinking.

We have an office right there and I was in town for meetings the first time and I was like, “yay! this is going to be fun!”. By day 2 I was more like “get the fuck outta my way, why are there tourists here at 7am”. The novelty wore off super quickly.

Right?! I guess I haven’t seen that many of these segments, but I guess usually the guest is a bit more assertive and/or just plain louder. I watch for the guests, not for him!

yes! cringe :-(

Ya, a couple of people pointed out that singing live might not be her strong suit, so I guess it makes sense, but I’m still not totally comfortable with it.