I hope you know about Bravissimo! I would actually travel to the UK just for them...
I hope you know about Bravissimo! I would actually travel to the UK just for them...
FF cup and I'd recommend ShockAbsorber for high impact and Freya for middle impact. I'm also going to order a Panache, just to mix it up a bit. I buy my stuff from Bravissimo.com.
Don't let the idiots intimidate you! I wear whatever the hell I want, sweat like there's no tomorrow and my face goes briiiiiiiiiiiiiiight red. It's not a pretty sight, but then, I'm there for a workout and not to strut my stuff down the catwalk. Anyone who has a problem with that can get stuffed.
FF cup over here, so I feel ya on the cleavage sweat. But I find that for high impact, the mono-boob ones work best :( I love my ShockAbsorber Max Sports bra. For a dual-boob look with good support, I have an underwired Freya one.
May I suggest ShockAbsorber for your wife? The Max Sports bra that I have from them is unbeatable for high impact exercise. It's a bit tricky to get on, but it keeps everything in place. If it's more a bra for low impact activities (hiking, hardcore DIY, whatever), where you want good support but also fabric that…
Agreed. We have a pure bred cat because we live in an apartment and really wanted to make as sure as possible that we'd have a cat who can happily live in such conditions from a character point of view. The breeders we got him from have two females who produce a litter every two years (alternating). The kittens…
I understand. It's a difficult situation. What do you think would be a way to still reward the high performers versus the low ones? A bonus based on customer feedback maybe? Or an extra cut of their section's earnings? I have no idea.
I would disagree. I live in Europe and that's basically how it works here. Tipping exists, BUT it's a recognition of good service. If you're really happy with your experience, you leave something, if you're not, you don't. And service would have to be beyond exceptional for before anyone tips anything close to…
I don't know where you live, but I came across this recently. It's a beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time, but can maybe help you think about how you want to handle it with your pets.
Agreed. I work for a multinational corporation with a specialized publishing arm, and that division is doing really well!
I caught the last 20 mins, and it was hilarious!
So much... We're not eating caviar off gilded plates on the other side of that door.
I recently watched a documentary where he was following vaccination workers trying to reach communities in extremely remote locations. So on top of all that he's also just a really good dude. I'll be in my bunk.
So much!
Calling out other adults is already pretty pathetic, but picking on kids? Seriously? She needs to get a grip. Asshole indeed.
Like teenage boy with and overlay of Axe body spray?
I've been thinking about this, and one last thing I'd like to say is, please imagine a situation where biological roles were reversed. Could you imagine being made to carry to term with all its associated sacrifices even though it's the last thing you want? I get where you're coming from in your original statement,…
That's how my husband and I feel about it. If biological roles were somehow reversed, I also couldn't imagine making him carry out a pregnancy. Fundamentally, I think that if a couple isn't on the same page about something as basic as this, they should probably call it quits.
I don't think I totally understand the last bit of your last sentence. Can you rephrase?
I read the last book a while ago, so I'm a bit fuzzy on the details by now. I actually had to google what was going on with those two by the end of the published storyline. Reek's just such a sad, pathetic, broken character by the end of it. I want to hate him, but I can't even muster the energy anymore. I wonder…