the spirit of moira rose

Ahaaaaaaaaaa. A softener sheet! That makes more sense. I was imagining a bottle of the liquid stuff!

Haven't a clue! I don't use it personally. If anything is stiff after air-drying, I'll just put it in the tumble dryer for a few minutes to soften it up. I can't imagine tumble dried clothes needing it... I did read a list a while back that mentioned it works to untangle fibers like doll's hair, so I guess that

Absolutely. I'm an over-packer and would add a small pocket knife (scissors, nail file, tweezers all in there), couple of aspirins and hand sanitiser to your list and call it a day.

The one downside I've heard about economy plus is that if the person in front of you reclines all the way back, you really have their head in your lap, because the seats tilt back further. I've never flown economy plus, but would be interesting to hear whether that's just people being overly dramatic or whether it's

Still shocking that even that needs to be verbalised. It's all just so sad. :(

I haven't even seen the movie, but I feel like everything I need to know is covered here!

I think that's what really gets my goat. The consumer is basically making up the wage that the employer can't be bothered paying. In Europe, if the service is good, I will tip, but if it's bad, no way no how am I giving you a single cent more than I owe. If I'm in the US, I'll go by local standards, unless the

Oh god, #1. The people who go to the airplane loo with just their socks on. Whyyyyyyyy?? I'm a little too germ conscious, but I will try to make minimum contact with surfaces, wash my hands and then go back to my seat and use sanitiser. People who go in there without shoes... *Shudder*

I read that earlier. I was really great and well thought out. It's important to note that harassment isn't always "nice" (well that sounds stupid, but I mean those "compliments" like "nice [insert body part here]"), but also includes full on insults. Thanks for putting the message out there!

So much! I have a Medusa glare that keeps most unwanteds at bay. But somehow, direction-askers get filtered out, which I really don't mind. People get lost, not every tourist has a data plan and can ask their phone. It happens. It's ok. Overall, a practised RBF is a very handy tool.

Poor girl! People are terrible :(

You're obviously just playing hard to get! Everyone knows that as a woman, you should only feel validated by the judgement passed on you by a man. Don't even try to think for yourself. Nothing good ever happened out of ladies trying to use their ladybrains.

I love your user name! I have a norwegian forest cat and occasionally call him captn foofypants or pantalooneys because he looks like he's wearing fluffy pantaloons especially when the winter coat is in.

I may actually have tears running down my face at this point. That is hilarious!

Daaaawwwww! What a cutie!

Winter's a great name for puppies and people! I can't believe I've never thought of it, but it's actually really really nice. I find it has a depth to it, too. I can't explain it, but Spring and Summer are fun and a bit shallow, Autumn is for harvest, but Winter has a kind of quiet, powerful depth to it. Still

Oh wow, those are so creepy. I don't mind when they don't have heads at all, but these just look really disturbing!

Same, but I got married at 22! I think you just have to follow your bliss (whichever shape it takes) and never say never. I did not expect to get married that young (or at all). It was never an important thing for me. But then I met my husband and it just made sense from a romantic and pragmatic commitment point

Oh wow. That's terrible! Treating the patients like they are completely unable to make an informed decision. Do you think the doctor would have recommended the same to a man who had walked in with a knee problem?