the spirit of moira rose

Also, I have no idea how this kinja thing works. How do I get the reply to show at the bottom of the chain?

I'm actually more bothered by the lipstick colour than the outfit. It makes her teeth look really yellow. With a slightly bolder colour, she wouldn't looks like a fluffy coral cloud. I think the outfit itself wouldn't be that bad if:

:) bummer about the lipstick, but yay for eyeshadow! I really want to get my hands on the Mac Ruby Woo lipstick and a Chanel cream eyeshadow that I need to look up the name of again.

Gotta be honest, I don't think this is her finest outfit. To me it looks like the dress is awkwardly poofy around the hips, then the hem comes in and hits in a strange spot and the bust actually makes her boobs look saggy but hoiked up to her chin all at the same time. I don't even know. She's a gorgeous lady, but

Totally agree with you. I like to tell myself that "why, yes, I do bleed for a week and don't die! AND THAT'S PRETTY AWESOME SO SUCK IT". I mean the cramps and back pain and everything are not awesome, but the fact that we have this self cleaning organ that can nurture a future human is pretty cool. So anyway,