Mara Jade Lives, Always

I am also entitle to not have to listen to your child scream the entire flight.

Wow - such contempt, such condescension. Please grow up and write with more maturity and clarity of thought.

Maybe Rami Malek doesn’t read Gawker or take that site as any sort of serious news reporting? They did go down after refusing to remove the Hogan sex tape after all. So spare me the whole “Gawker was lookign out for these kids!!” when your own fucking manager at the website said he’d post videos of underage children



Side thought, not one directly related: he is looking rough in photos of him lately. Not that he ever looked attractive, nor put together, but he’s clearly showing some significant signs of aging and stress only two years into his first term.

We had a reservation and we would have ordered drinks and appetizers right away if we’d been seated, so why did they make us wait?

How do I opt in? :) I’ve never received any.

Also, most of them wear nametags. Greet them by name when getting on the plane and also when they’re serving you.

Oh man, I worry about these women staying safe. 

You can be pro union and recognize there are flaws in the system that need overhauling.

This is one of the biggest issues I see with modern unions. I had a very similar experience working at a large hospital (I am not union and do not have the option). I came across numerous employees who I was stunned had somehow managed to keep a job. They were absolute idiots and incapable of retaining training/new

Well aren’t you a fun, “cool girland not at all weirdly judgmental about a common event that plenty of women who are getting married have.

Another way to $25/$35/$50 (it’s not nickle & dime) people for bullshit.

Every single grocery store does this.

I don’t really give a fuck whether we’re on it or not. I just want to pick one and STICK WITH IT.

Maybe people should run for lower offices before they consider running for major offices like governor or president. Or even have some political experience. Haven’t we learned from the Trump shitshow that you want someone who knows what s/he’s doing running things?

That’s what I wanted. I didn’t want to vote for Cuomo, but I also didn’t want to vote for an actress with no political experience for governor.

Good...we dont need more ‘stars’ in high level political jobs...we need folks that put the work in at the lower tiers and work their way up from the inside so it can change from top to bottom.  Sorry about Cuomo but Nixon wasn’t close to being a quality candidate.