I’m....proud? Of the Democrats?? IS THAT AN EMOTION PEOPLE FEEL???!?!?
I’m....proud? Of the Democrats?? IS THAT AN EMOTION PEOPLE FEEL???!?!?
Democrats? Raising hell? Using social media? Drowning out the speaker?
These people do not want to study Islam, they just want to hate brown people. There is someone in the comments saying that “hundreds of millions” of Muslims are sympathetic to terrorists and groups like ISIS, which is a flat-out lie. Or that the Quran says homosexuals should be executed/murdered - also a lie. The…
In a monthish I will be driving down to Antelope Wells, NM (and back again) to collect my boyfriend at the end of his massive mountain bike race, but other than that, I hoarde my vacation days so we can go visit his fam in Hawaii. However I do have a decent number of sick days accumulating, so I may have to take a…
WOOHOO SNS!!! It’s good to be back in Jezland after being super busy IRL this past week. This is your Brag Thread! Any grand accomplishments, big or small, that you haven’t had a chance to brag about yet? My brag: I got to meet Astronautalis, one of my favorite musicians, on Monday! He put on one of the best live…
What is a Princess day? Please explain for us foreigns, thanks.
I’ll see your Denzel and raise you a Idris Elba
Only if dat boi is coming.
You’ll know dat boi when you see them.
The primal lizard part of your brain will kick in and your flight and fight reflex will explode.
You might try to run, you might scramble futility for some kind of weapon to fight with.
It doesn’t matter.
Dat Boi is coming.
Dat Boi is coming for you.
Um, if you are convincing a black out drunk girl to have sex with you, you are not having sex with someone that has properly consented.
Here’s better advice: Get in the habit to record every single transaction you make, MANUALLY (not in Mint) and then get in the habit of zero-base budgeting for yourself or your family. In other words, take every paycheck, and divide it up (in a spreadsheet, budget program, notebook, whatever) into categories until you…
I think the best thing anyone can do is go take a community college course on money 101. They teach you the basics of everything you need from interest rates, compound interest, investing safely, how much can you afford, etc.
I read that “Sunday Routine” feature on the regular, and when I read this one I was positively joyful! You guys complaining about it must not be regular readers of that column. They usually go thusly: “We sleep in late on Sundays, till about 7:30am or maybe even 8:00. Then I hit the gym for an hour. On the way back I…
Thank you!
Honey, since you are in an abusive relationship, you may not have a close girlfriend or girl relative to go to about this, but if you still have one you can see, I’d talk to them. It sounds to me, the internet stranger, that you’ve let this man, in the usual course of his abusiveness, scam you into thinking that you…
Wacoal. Go to a Nordstrom and get them to fit you, then try on the Wacoals. The beauty of Wacoal is they make several different styles, and one will fit you. Some are made for close together breasts, others for wideset. Some are padded and some are not. They vary as to breast shape.
Socialites, I am still not over Prince dying. I am still thinking about him and wishing for songs I cannot have. I danced my ass off with some friends at a big club with lots DJs and this was one of the best jams o the night, miraculously available online. Get up & dance if ya wanna. XO Prince RIP xoxo
It might be a good idea to have “the flu” tomorrow. Then you can stay in bed, eat nachos, and do some binge watching. Or whatever strikes your fancy.
Just my two cents, feel free to ignore.
Friendsssss! I have a bit of shameless self-promotion...I wrote a humor article and it was published on the new women’s website the establishment, and I wanted to share it with you all! Also, of you haven’t checked out the establishment it is awesome and I highly recommend it! Lol so yeah, here it is.http://www.theesta…