
Faithfully changed oil and maintained the 2006 Toyota RAV 4. Now at 135,000 miles mechanic says it's burning through a quart of oil a week and the engine is shot. New engine? 3,000.00. Labor? $100.00. Rebuilt engine? Or new car time?

Can I just say how much I love John Corbett in The United Stayes of Tara? Chris Noth quietly shines in The Good Wife.

Not really. Watch Margaret Cho in Chelsea Handler’s new series “ On Race.”

If I say those things to my new delicious blue-eyed curly haired somewhat younger new friend, how do you think the luscious lemon cream pie would say? Leslie, you're my new hero!!!!!

Me too! I have an Abby best friend. 25 years of supporting each other through marriage, divorce, depression, childbirth, international adoption, careers, almost affairs (me) toddlers, teens, 20-somethings, grandkids (her), siblings, aging parents. I am blessed and grateful to have her in my life.

Please write a book about your amazing grands.

So glad we are discussing this. I’ve been recently propositioned by someone 30 years younger (no! I’m fixing him up with a girl his age.). But the real mutual attraction is with someone 17 years younger. It just happened. We met for coffee and there was lots of staring and smiling and flirting and activity in my lady

How was the new Star Trek movie? Anybody see Brooklyn?

Hi Jezzies! Feeling sad at the loss of Maurice White of Earth Wind and Fire. Their songs and his voice are the soundtrack for many relationships, loves and FEELS! Ongoing career saga: Was a finalist for 2 jobs, found out this week I didn’t get them. I felt sad and in shock but am bouncing back now. More work with my

Internet hugs. Go day by day step by step. Can you appeal for PhD? Extend visa? Take a break before deciding next step?

Such a great question and the topic of the argument with 83 year old mom. Today. I love mom but she plans her days hourly, is very rigid about schedules and gets anxious and mean at my less rigid more compromising self - we talked it through and came up with some solutions.

Mozart in the Jungle. Don't miss! Enjoying The Good Wife series again.

Happy Birthday! Go Hillsry!

Jezzies. Thank you so much for your amazing support last week during the mid life existential work, love, life crisis. I want to share the process this week.

Go.Immediately. See Tina Fey and Amy Poehler clean out their childhood rooms in SISTERS.

Some people are so scared and insecure they act act like shits. I had a colleague lie about me this week to cya. I’m Going to administration. Documenting everything. Reading GREAT strategy books. Author: Sylvia LaFair

International program working with disenfranchised youth. Getting them college educations and sending them back to their home countries to rebuild infrastructure and social justice. This idealist believes we may slow down war and violence.

Much success and thanks for the MTV video memories!

Thank you. I truly appreciate the sound advice.

Join us! It seems we have 20, 30, 40 and 50-somethings at the party. Jezzies are the best. I'm loving the positive energy cheer-ups.