The greatest weapon

Really everyone praises Heaven Sent (with good reason), but those scenes were every bit as good imo.
I've actually enjoyed everything Moffat has written himself since Deep Breath except for Death in Heaven and Hell Bent, so I really hope to see him as a writer in season 11. Unfortunately, it seems unlikely.

In his defence, the point of no return was leaving the ground. It didn't matter if he watched her or not. She could've done everything with her hands behind her back and checking the cameras would've made no difference.

If Moffat could manage the same level of intensity as the Davros scenes had in series 9 with the masters then this series will have been a great send-off indeed.
If he goes the RTD route, on the other hand…

John Simm in and episode that is not an RTD finale? Hell yes. Show us your moves.
The master playing off of himself is a recipe for hilarity.

But he didn't really. In the season 8 finale he spends most of the time not worrying about her being left alone even if she was "captured" and once he learns about the plan he's just exasperated.
And in season 9 he never treats her like a thread and they kind of do their own thing for most of it.

I agree. I would only be fine with a woman if she was cast only because she blew the casting crew away with her acting, and even then, it would be a hard sell.

And Mummy On The Orient Express!

The Face The Raven one at the end is just chilling.

Everything up until that episode was just perfect for me, well-constructed and thematically sound and the fact that Heaven Sent dealt with the Doctor's grief so masterfully left everything perfectly set-up for the Doctor having to face the Time Lords at his worst possible hour. But the fact is Hell Bent, instead of

I think I'll like every second of this just because it's Capaldi's last.

Hell Bent took my expectations and spit on their dead rotten corpse. But it doesn't take away anything from Heaven Sent for me. It's still breath-taking from beginning to end for me.

I bet you were saying the same thing before Heaven Sent and where would we be without it. God bless that episode.


My ideal: Dr. Horrible 2 on Netflix.
Yes, I still want it, dammit!

I loved seeing the character dynamic as himself with someone who is an "ally" (but not under him). It was fun.

"sense of dread that they will inevitably face him again."

To me it's very organic somehow. They are just a weird, gay couple, just like there are a lot of weird straight couples that have no clear reason for being together.

"the ambiguity about the new foreman at the mill is completely lost if we already know Olaf is in the area."

Speaking of which, Louis' acting is really good with that, too.

His Lemony is at least half the reason I so thoroughly enjoy each and every episode.