The greatest weapon

Haha, I'm glad this wasn't a negative post; which is my fault, for reaching that point where I expect insults and fights from every commenter out there. Also, sorry for the tone of that first post, while we're at it.

Well, if you haven't been convinced yet then I guess there's nothing I can do.

Agreed, agreed. I almost hated every episode of season 7 because of this sites reviews. Then I though it was better to think for myself and it actually turned out to be my favourite season of new who.

Is it wrong if the writing demands more analysis than what's in front of one's eyes? Just saying, in those cases.

If you look closer Clara's actually pretty well-defined as a character, her arc just distracted everyone from it.

My applause to you. People tend to think what the internet thinks represents what everyone who watches it quietly at home thinks.

No, the "fall" was the Doctor actually dying, which would've happened if not for the Time Lords.

You're kidding right? Just watch one of the first episodes of season five and compare it to one of season seven. She matures, she learns to see Rory as the man right in front of her and stops chasing after love affairs with the Doctor, she stops seeing the Doctor as some sort of fairytale hero and their relationship

It wasn't made as sad, I guess. Agree with everything you've said, and fortunately over at doctorwhotv they've made a great effort to stop the negativity or something like that, and it seems to have worked.

They never thought to look under the kitchen table (aren't I lucky?)

I'm alive!

Not talking about the episodes' nor the reviewer's quality, this seemed a bit unfair on all parts concerned.

How about a lingering questions section? That seems like something everybody would be interested in. And then we can discuss how effective the answers were vs the question or if some answers to uninteresting question become very appealing developments etc. Just a thought. I'm sure someone has suggested it already.

I have to disagree. I mean, it makes sense, I guess, but I tend to dislike people who oversimplify characters, especially well-developed ones, as "good" or "evil". I think the fact that Hannibal can show that level of empathy or even sympathy is precisely why he can't just be "evil". If he was just the typical serial

I hadn't noticed (because I have watched it) but you're right!

At that point I just thought she was always on his side, they had just a murder patient-psychiatrists fall out. There is clearly respect there, though.

He tries to convince Will to let Jack alone, but then at that point the plan was on and Will needed Jack to go to the dinner. I think Hannibal quite clearly wanted to spare Jack, maybe because of Bella.

Person of Interest's "Deux ex Machina" because that episode.
And if Doctor Who counts then "The Day of the Doctor".
That is all.

Oh, you got that wrong, it's diamonds. Typically, also, you didn't really answer my question, but I'm less interested now. Good day.

It's actually three people ;)