The greatest weapon

You're welcome :)

LOL. I think the machine was influenced by Finch because he purposefully conditioned it. I don't think Samaritan will have just "inherited" Claypool's personality (though I now hope it did lol).

On Esther coming back: I think it works on some level because it means the witches are stronger so…

Are shorter reviews a no-no?

Also, I love that Shaw, and by extension us, was expecting Root to have magic in the servers that would make everything ok, but what we got was much more cruel, but more realistic. It was the moment I realized "this is not something you come out of that easily".

Even though it worries me daily, with Hannibal I'm forever grateful I can watch it without flinching at the gore. If some day you can get past it watch it, it's incredible.


Shot in the back. Twice.

Why does it matter where you're from?

Collier kept ignoring him too, for some reason.

All villains in this show are amazing, as this episode readily proved again. We have no I'm evil for the sake of the main characters having a formidable foe, but a variety of people with aims beyond simple clichés and objectives than coincide with their past and who they are. The villains on this show are PEOPLE and

His whole response was just classic Reese, "I did try to quit…".

It is when the machine is saying it.

When Collier discovered he had been manipulated I suddenly had a thought he would become an (what's that word?) ally just like Root and Shaw were at some point. But I think his character deserved to die like he did (and by this I mean THE CHARACTER was one were if he had strayed from his idealistic view it would've

But we saw it. The congressman Greer was trying to convince said no, and only changed his mind because the other one called him. Maybe Greer would've managed to do it anyway, but that congressman was the immediate thing. Killing people wouldn't have solved everything and without Samaritan in the way, I imagine TM

Some thoughts:

I just realized how the machine must've felt when a number it called in was almost responsible for the death of both its parents. The impotence…

She is right! I'm so glad I'm not the only one. :')

"Get me a juicebox biatch!"

We love the machine <3 (or maybe it's just me)