The greatest weapon

To be honest, I'm probably in the minority. I sometimes had trouble really connecting to Tom Baker and really seeing him as the Doctor. Sometimes I wondered if it was bad acting but apparently that's not the case so I don't know. He had really good stories which helped for sure. In that sense it was kind of an

My recommendation is staying away from the internet, as I did that and thanked myself for it later. Other than that, good for you! As said by i and 1 your attitude(?) will really help you enjoy it. :)

Should this type of comments be posted? It seems kind of spoilerish but maybe it's common knowledge (?). It's a genuine question really.

I've watched again recently and made the same mistake lol

Oh! My favorites are Matt Smith (my co-first) and Peter Davison :). After spending weeks trying to figure out who I liked the most I sort of gave up..

My view of it is that too much in terms of what the plot needs and the quality of special effects has changed since then.

Also, if Peter Davison is your co-favourite who is the other one?
(He's also my co-favourite so I'm curious).

Let me just say: YES!!!!! finally!

Also they have really good writers.

I think now she just gives Finch numbers when he needs to know them. LIke: "here's the latest news update."

Really? The teleported like a million times! and the hammer thing was priceless

I thought more would be mentioned on the family but oh well…
nice review for a decent episode.

If you insist…

So no brother in the history of Earth has wanted the other's wife or followed through…..

Also, pointing out plots in writing (even if I don't even agree with it) is quite normal and justified.

I think it's the amount of power. Or maybe that she is using ancestral power? She has more than one witch's power? Take your pick.

Apparently.. SPOILERS

The "always and forever" was always between these three, though.

SPOILERS, I guess.

I actually quite liked the episode. Though I'm not sure if it's because I didn't see the serials it's seemingly stole from.