If you’re assessing by proficiency you set a standard score to be met, say 80%, and both student A and student B have to meet that goal to be considered proficient.
Yeah, every time I hear ‘states rights,’ I picture someone in a Klan hood doing the ‘if it weren’t for you meddling kids’ bit from Scooby-Doo.
She didn’t ever commit to a single thing. And was clearly coached to do so because she had that smile on her face the whole time. Which is terrifying, because that basically means the Trump White House wants the option to go after any regulation of education. She also didn’t seem to know that the IDEA is a federal…
It’s right there in the Constitution:
I was watching the Besty DeVos confirmation hearing live earlier. What a mess. At one point she was on the fence if schools should conform to the American with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act. It was insane.
There are still goals to reach! Our government could one day be more absurd than a Family Guy episode.
It has come to this. Our government is more absurd than a 20 year old Simpson’s episode. Fuck me.
Nice burn by Sen. Murphy at the end of that clip. Also, note her contradicion within 30 seconds. At first, she says gun control should be left to the “locales”. But then she would support whatver the PEOTUS does, including a ban on gun-free zones in schools. THIS lady is for turning!
Stephen Colbert is part of the liberal media’s anti-bear fear campaign. How often does the media talk about the number of lives bears save every day? Never, because they don’t want you to know the truth.
Don’t forget those kids getting a full serving of vegetables with every ketchup packet!
As someone who lives in Michigan I just want to assure all those in the education community that, as bad as your worst fears about Betsy DeVos and her becoming the Secretary of Education may be, I can say with complete confidence the reality is that it’s going to be much, much worse.
I literally watched this happen live (yes, I’m serious), and I still don’t believe it.
This is a Dwight Schrute approved answer right here, folks.
What do SNL writers do now that half their material is just real life verbatim?
Totally, but aren’t there only like 10 in the pack? I remember getting them once and being disappointed by how few there were. Long live the caramelized onion tarts.
It’s going to be a really awkward day at the Food Network when she cuts her finger during filming and Jeffrey smothers her with a pillow.