Older men get plenty of shit for dating younger women (often being branded pedophiles), and younger women get plenty of shit for dating older men (often being branded gold diggers). By comparison, there's a far lesser stigma attached to older women dating younger men (the term cougar is practically a term of…
That... doesn't make sense. So because Solange isn't an athlete, her attempts to physically harm someone should be ignored? Is that seriously what you are saying?
Wouldn't the domestic abuse situation kind of bring her out of the running for the best mom title?
If most six year olds can't make good decisions in very simple circumstances, it's because they haven't been properly taught. In some parts of the worlds, six year olds literally build fires and cook dinners on them, take care of infants, and do housework, go swimming by themselves.
"Homeschooling" is usually shorthand for "I don't want you filling my child's head full of 'facts' that are in disagreement with my incredibly fucked-up world view and/or cult-like belief system."
If you have experience in child-education and live in an extremely rural area with one school and all they teach is gym and home ec and some kind of twisted neo-con social studies and you can't afford boarding school, then fine. Home school your kid. Otherwise? NO.
Sometimes I wish we weren't dependant on an old ass document created by people who owned human beings as property for our ethical decisions.
Hopefully those two crazy gals never get a hold of some reefer! That stuff will really cook your goose!
Did anyone else unwillingly envision Peter Pan getting his/her ass motorboated in this scene? That is ALL I COULD THINK OF.
No, again, they're not. I speak from experience. And, yes, we are even talking about the different subcultures in America. I have nothing in common with a Mexican American. Especially the Mexicans that come to the US. For one thing, they more often than not, speak a Spanish dialect that is full of Nahautl words. A…
Shared experience makes for a better grouping....
It does! Her work is so magical to me, her lyrics with the voice and just everything. Cactus Tree still takes me to tree tops and harbors every time I listen to it.
Or everyone involved just thought it was funny and moved on instead of making a huge, whiny, big deal out of it.
Partying has drunk obnoxious people. Staying at home has masturbation and video games.
you're only responsible until you make a mistake. And most of you will make a mistake. It may not end up this badly but you will make a mistake.
Law-abiding gun owners. Responsible gun owners. Centaurs with golden colons. Mermaids with emerald sphyncters.
God forbid someone look like a 40 year old mom. How gross.
Only the rats that don't work for Hobby Lobby, right?