
So whoever wrote this doesn’t know much about propane or propane tanks. If the tank is still good, keeping it in a shed is fine. They literally sit under BBQ’s that get hotter than any shed ever would. They aren’t some ticking time bomb waiting to go off. 

But what regulations, who decides and how will they be enforced within context of what’s allowed and what isn’t? Every single minute of every day, about 500 hrs worth of video is uploaded to YouTube alone. That’s 30,000 hrs of video every hour, or 3.5 years worth of video an hr. On the day they were born, a baby could

Because who sets those regulations? Who gets to deem whats allowed and what isn’t? Who gets to deem whats factual and what isn’t? etc

Anyone who thinks repealing section 230 or thinks what the Australian court just did was right....I just don’t understand how.

So your solution is to make the internet more corporately controlled and influenced? If any site is deemed a publisher under the law, all user generated content will cease to exist, ALL OF IT, including this very comment section. No Youtube, no Facebook, no Reddit, no Yelp, no Google Reviews, no Amazon reviews, etc,

A lot of these are old/new millennial slang. The only ones I’d say are true gen Z:

Yeah overnight is not how it happens, at all.

I always love “This pandemic is about control!” because when you take them at their word and go down the rabbit hole, they have no actual answers as to why.

While I do not doubt that women have bared the brunt of this pandemic, especially when it comes to house chores, child rearing, etc; there is something about this line that irks me:

Now playing

I thought the black cat was a reference to the “deja vu” scene in the first movie?

To that effect, Gmail will also be rolling out a new interface featuring four tabs, each of which will highlight each of its core functionalities: email, Chat, Spaces, and Meet.”

Do you have paint thinner or wd40? Yes? Use that. Permanent markers are oil based products so you need mineral spirits to clean them. WD40 will work in a pinch (though obviously not it’s intended use)

I think that’s the point though. If I remember correctly, the story of “neo” or “the One” is a cycle. It happens over and over with slight variations.

Takes less resources to produce? That depends how you qualify resources. Trying to grow produce in climates where it’s not meant to be grown takes an enormous amount of resources to do so. More non-green water (green water is water that falls regardless of what’s happening with the land) is used to grow a crop of

I was really into the Matrix when it came out so if I am remembering correctly, it’s all a cycle that happens over and over. Wasn’t their some videogame that really expanded on that? I remember playing a videogame that had live-action cut-scenes that basically said that.

Just a FYI, if you use the desktop “app” on MacOS, you will need to control+click chrome to open a browser window. MacOS sees the “app” as an instance of chrome so clicking the chrome icon won’t launch the browser with the app open.

My one “green flag” film is Hot Fuzz.  If they love Hot Fuzz, we’re good.  The fact it’s not on this list is criminal.

Yeah and I think A LOT of parents are about to get a rude wake-up call to this. For the past 18 months, everyone was in the same boat. Schools were closed, childcare was closed, kids were learning from home...companies were very understanding. They won’t be in the near future.

This is actually really nice.  We use the GSuite at my workplace and being able to add a status message, just for vacation purposes, is really helpful.  Along with putting which site I am currently at.