
I rinse and wrap my leafy veggies in muslin. Lay the muslin out flat and put a "thin" layer of greens down and then roll it up jelly roll style. I just put that right in the (clean) veggie drawer. Lettuce lasts ~ 2 weeks. (I've also heard people use tea towels.) Chico bags has a hemp bag, but cotton muslin is cheaper.

Yup. I rememeber that. I actually use that tip on a lot of things. Hot dogs, hamburgers, peas, chicken breasts. Anything I buy in bulk but want to use as a single serving. To use an AB phrase, "It's a great multi-tasker." The trick is to remember to go get them and put them in bags. I lost a whole super-saver family

Another rebuttal... I'm a wife and mother of two young children. While the 2 yo probably couldn't navigate it, my 5 yo probably could as *she* pretty much figures out everything anyway. We haven't cut the cord, yet, but plan on doing so and I'm fairly certain I won't have any trouble picking it up. I know plenty of

@BPhillips21: Absolutley 100% You won't get spammed. Read this article: [] about how SparkPeople came to be about. They are very conscious about what type and how much email they send you. You can even set your settings to get absolutely no emails at all.

@FriarNurgle: WOW! I don't get offended easily, but WOW! I'm a mom of two girls and a complete geek and would totally love this. Do you suggest that I should only buy my daughters princesses and tiaras?

@soldstatic: Have you tried cleaning it with baking soda? That's what I used. The finish had worn off on mine, though. I eventually replaced it with a stainless steel sink.

@moe52: I'll second this. I look for large stems now. I love the inside of the stem raw. I, however, can almost tolerate the crowns raw. Cooked, they have to be "exactly" right. You can also save the parts that you cut off and freeze them with other vegetable parts to make soup stock when you have enough accumulated.

@wickedcupofjoe: I'm still trying to figure out why they put granola bars and oatmeal with the pasta and canned spaghetti sauce... :)

the grocery aisle thing worked great for me... I went as far as writing down the price so I could see if sales at other stores were a good deal. I got my list all set up and the next week the store rearranged the aisles.

The links were working before. I read Part 1. Very interesting. My problem is I don't have time to do everything I need to do in a day, let alone sit down and contemplate why I'm doing do it. I'm lucky to keep my head above water.