I Have Been Known by Many Names (No, really, I have)

It's the line I like to use when I quit without giving notice. What's good for the goose...

Wait but isn’t this (asshole inbred hick dumb fuck who is uneducated, hates women, minorities, gays, have a small dick, etc) an accurate description of the leading Republican right now???? Just checking.

I dunno about that last line you said, if you look at it from a HP/kg perspective, the rally car has the best ratio (if you include the R1 rider’s weight, which I guess at 113 kg (which I think is conservative)), add the AWD of the rally car and this isn’t even a contest.

Texting while driving is dangerous, I agree. Downloading Flash to play this game is much more dangerous.

Torch, I’m a girl. Unlike a guy who could just cut a hole in the gourd, microwave it, and fuck the pumpkin till dawn, I physically can’t do that. Literally, like my pelvic bones absolutely would not allow even a small pumpkin into me. I am forced to pick the first option, and all things considered that doesn’t suck!

Bull Shit. My wife and I had an extremely close call with three boy racers in their Honda’s with stolen Acura V6's. It has nothing to do with signaling, and everything to do with driving at twice the posted speed limit.

So, no Sheepshank Redemption?