
No you didn't.

Your suffering is a delicacy.

Ending the WHCD is not a sufficient step for ending the schmoozy relationship between the press and the government, but it is a necessary one.

Journalists tend not to be "nerds." They wish they were, because nerdism usually implies some dexterity with math and science. These are just ugly liberal arts majors.

Show me on the doll where the yearbook touched you.

"On the Left, we'll shake our heads, knowing that he wasn't serious, that he has no overt connection to the Fascist movement, but that it's still a pretty fucking stupid thing to do and pretty indicative of the kind of person he is, but isn't DAMNING EVIDENCE OF THE SECOND COMING OF MUSSOLINI."

To be fair, the disagreements here tend to of the "threat or menace?" variety.

Dude who has a Ph.D. from Oxford is opposed to "learning."

Will you perform detailed psychoanalysis on everyone's yearbook quotes for free, or will the rest of us need to pay you?

You needed to wait around for Snopes to confirm that this was a joke? My God you people are high-functioning autists.

Whoa! EPIC TROLLING. Trump just got totally OWNED. There's no coming back from this SICK BURN. Trump might as well just resign because it's all over. He got SCHOOLED. It's like Samantha Bee and John Oliver had a baby, and then the baby was circumcised by Jon Stewart and baptized by Stephen Colbert, and then the baby