
Insert Jessica Lange in AHS murder house gif here.

Dude, reeaally?

Um no you're trash.

Okay you are extremely fucking rude. Seriously gtfo.

Just came here to say that i don’t understand the reverence with which this house and it’s designs are treated they are ridiculously overpriced even by designer standards and manage to make even Gigi hadid look like an overly embellished “Dynasty” character. Ugh.

Hehe yea I’m Canadian too but his shitty “jokes” and plantation wedding/ marriage to other person I find deeply annoying Blake lively...haha yea he just ticks me off. That’s so true about Olivia Palermo I actually googled her recently just because I was like wait who is this person and okay she’s stunning and

I totally get the criticism of her but I actually really liked her in “black rock” and read an interview with her in nylon a couple years back where she seemed pretty genuine (I know magazines tend to flatter whatever celeb they’re featuring but nonetheless she came off as a bit more real than your average Hollywood

Lush ultrabland is similar and really good. My boyfriend worked at the factory and they have these insane bulk sales for employees, he scored 7 pots for like 15$. Makeup removal has never been easier (I sit on my couch and and wipe it off with a wet face towel, don’t even have to stand up or look in a mirror) and my

So I’m re-watching the series before the fifth season comes out, in the middle of asylum right now, and I was literally JUST thinking about how hot this guy is when I saw this post. Idk I don’t usually crush on actors but this dudes got some really special hot quality about him that I don’t really understand. Like

Is that honestly your only frame of reference, like really? Are you twelve? People don’t like edm because they aren’t hardcore enough are you fucking kidding me edm is some of the most commercialized crap out there seriously what are you talking about? Most of edm IS pop music designed for 12 yr olds idk why that

Idk I feel like she must be pretty friendly just from the sheer number people she seems to know. I totally get what you’re saying but if she was that annoying would that many people (albeit possibly also annoying celebrity people) really want to be around her? By that logic she must have some likeable qualities idk.

Were they just flying you out of the base and then you would take another commercial flight from there or *flinches* have I actually existed in a world where one can go from Iraq to the US in 90 fucking minutes and had no idea?

Okay so the girl in the picture is supposed to be Lena (?) but also looks exactly like Edie Sedgwick. Just thought I’d point that out.

It's called a putter.

Ya my thought as well, the lady in those pictures is definitely not “ugly pretty” in any way, also what even is ugly pretty like I don’t think I’ve ever looked at someone and thought oh that person is very very unattractive but also really pretty.

Ok so some questions:

Shot in the dark: anything with layne staley by any chance?

Wow seriously thank you I think I found my support group!

Wow thank you so much for this comment I identify with literally everything you said. The gaslighting especially both my parents were just unbelievably emotionally manipulative and would just turn every situation around to have it be my fault but my mom was especially talented at this. There was just this always this

Wow thank you that’s amazing it’s so true like no offence to the happy childhood people but I’m pretty sure I have inner reserves of strength thanks to being rejected by the only people that are supposed to be guaranteed to love you that would surpass those of someone who hasn’t been through that.