I’m hoping the legalization of gay marriage will change some of this by default (removing gender from marriage forms, making easier for men to change their names, allowing more people to keep their names and be married.)
We had to get a name change petition, but it’s the same procedure for men and women. The real reason Mr. Celette dropped his name is actually due to some personal bad history with me and someone who had his name back as a kid, which is why I wasn’t keen on taking it but was okay with him keeping his own name but then…
That’s ridiculous. I don’t understand how people continue to insist that this is a choice made in a vacuum when society makes it so blatant.
I was thinking the exact same thing, it would be smarter to sell it in a state where you can’t get actual fresh lobster for a reasonable price. So just about anywhere that’s not Maine.
I’m sure his black friends are also appalled at all the “rioting and looting” recently.
Well if you pay them enough sex workers will say anything, Senator.
I thought you didn't do poop stories?
I don’t see why they don’t do this nationally, if they are going to do it at all. This would be something new in Texas. We are not eating a lot of lobster rolls in Texas, McDonalds would not have a lot of competition for customers wanting lobster rolls in Texas, and in Texas maybe we would not be so judgy about what…
When I googled “sexy potato” I was/wasn’t surprised to see I had options.
I need an Obama “2015 And Out Of Fucks to Give Tour” T-shirt.
Right there with you. He played the long game and look what’s happened in the last two weeks. He’s ending his race with a sprinter’s kick.
For the record, I am pretty conservative but I am relieved this is over. The fact that two peoples’ right to be married had to be debated in the Supreme Court has been pretty disappointing. This seems like such a simple concept but the fear, paranoia, and outright hate of many has just left me feeling disappointed all…
I haven’t had any neggy comments on mine yet! Well, one of my friends, who is very into conspiracy theories and Alex Jones, was like, “its a distraction from TPP!! I’m happy and all but wake up SHEEPLE!! American is now a dictatorship!”
These idiots love to espouse “simple logic” endlessly.
“We only trust 5-4 Supreme Court rulings when we’re the five, like when they put Dubya in the White House! Rulings that go 4-5 prove that the entirety of the court system needs to be abolished! Argle bargle activist judges mutter SJWs blah blah blah kvetch”
I think we’re all waiting, crouching like gay lionesses, for the first homophobic gazelle to trot across the sacred grounds.