
I think Alaska is pretty good at that. I’ve only ever had a problem with them once, and when I complained I got a $50 voucher toward my next ticket. Since it wasn’t a huge issue in the first place (they wouldn’t let more than one person through security to pick up an unaccompanied minor, even though we were both on

Oh I’m sure. It might have had a bigger impact if he hadn’t been screwing everything that moved while we were still married, though. 3 months after the divorce barely rated a “meh.”

christ on a cracker that divorce could not have happened fast enough

Dear god why did I not think of this when my poor teenager was ruining sheets constantly.

I left out the best part, though. Said sister is a single mother to a child she conceived with a married man. But I guess God forgave that.


My ex’s sister tried to call me before my second wedding to tell me I was going to hell because divorce is against God’s law. My ex, in one of his few moments of being a decent human being, declined to give her my phone number.

My ex got upset the first time he thought I was dating after the divorce. He was angry I hadn’t told him. I was like “why would I do that? We’re divorced.” He said “Well wouldn’t YOU want to know if I’m dating someone?” And I said “Not really.”

My ex had just broken up with his girlfriend when I told him I was getting remarried. A week later, they were back together, engaged, and with a wedding date set about 5 months before ours. I think that counts.

The name, for us, was the easy part. The pronoun problem was partly that he hadn’t (or wouldn’t) pick some for the longest time. So whatever we used or asked to use got greeted with eyerolling and angry huffing. That’s a problem specific to him, though.

Only in his porn, I’m sure.

I think you want whatever the “Bosom Buddies” theme song was instead.

And yet you put one piece of broccoli in front of them, and they practically will themselves to death right there.

He takes a wide stance and is a Republican, apparently.

WOO Bisexual privilege!

I have no idea if they even made those before or since. I was wondering if they were a joy-fueled hallucination because I was finally leaving high school.

My graduation shoes were Converse high-tops with “Class of 1991” printed all over them and little tassels hanging off the back. I did not make these, they were actual shoes they sold and probably the only time my parents actually spent money on the actual shoes I wanted and not a cheap knockoff version.

I’m still struggling with my youngest brother not being my sister anymore, and we’d seen it coming for years before he actually asked for male pronouns.

I think you mean JARED Bell. Since he’s so insistent on people using the names they were given at birth, and all.

I know a lot of dudes who own kilts and ... yeah. Don’t ask unless you actually want to know. And see. And probably touch.