
For me it was during "Red Faced," the Red Tornado episode. Her face when she's letting loose with her heat vision and thinking about saying goodbye to her parents…man…intense…

"But having that damn “maze” image pop up everywhere isn’t a sufficient stand-in for actual story." Totally agree. There are moments in tonight's episode that the pace seemed picked up, just hoping it keeps it going. Mood is great. But more action and fun dialogue would be appreciated.

Not the author of this article. I do not call everything racist. And White Savior plots DO EXIST.

So glad we get another white savior plot on TV. So glad all the Asians were represented as asexual elders, exotic beauties to be pursued or douchey villains. Because white men beating up those darn orientals to be rewarded with Asian ladies is something we never get sick of. #cantwaitforIronFist

Liked this episode - especially liked the scene when Kara is using her heat vision and flashing back to the understandably traumatic experience of being shoved in a pod by her doomed parents shortly before her planet explodes. Could you imagine?!? Really appreciated how the show revealed THAT as the root of her anger

Y'all should check out Bishe in the last season/reboot of scrubs. Great comedy chops - hope she does more comedy in the future.

It might be just me but this show is really starting to bum me out. Last season, every episode seemed to make things even more horrible for the group - the exception being what happened with the live stream. This season seems more like the same. Anyone remember "Betas"? At least they seemed happy every once in a while.

First off, love this show. Also really glad they had Rachel listen to her better angels this episode. Also, I didn't think Rachel's idea about relocating them was an over-reaction at all. Some parts of the country still really have that much hate for certain people. Hard to imagine if you grew up in a community where

Did the Mario Bros music in the background give anybody else a sense of foreboding for Mutiny? The fact that the console that changed everything has been introduced to the show and is slowly creeping up from the East reminded me of that moment from season one when Joe sees a Mac for the first time.