So there isn’t any mens only clubs for patriotic masochists? ... What am I going to do with my star spangled gimp suit now?!?
So there isn’t any mens only clubs for patriotic masochists? ... What am I going to do with my star spangled gimp suit now?!?
Isn’t J Thompson on the side “against” “censorship”? And fairly certain Anita never said that ... you got me on the Gaymer Expo, haven’t followed them.
Your clever retort wounds me so.
No dude, thats still your point. Actually I was just mocking your earlier “Annnd you just proved my point about feminists.” which kind of proves your no better than your supposed “feminists” as you seem to be just as passionate about certain issues ... and frankly having an opinions is hardly bullying, but I…
So effectively ... you do give a shit about things, its just the those things are others who question those things you like? Cool
Your right, I just went off of memory ... of this event that happened several months again and most of us have forgotten. But this still amounts to the power of the SJW horde doing little more than changing a few lines in a games ... over a backers poor joke, not even anything to do with the developer’s design…
You mean that one fan limerick that a single play-tester pointed out to Obsidian as kind of inappropriate was the huge overwhelming wrath of the SJW horde? Or maybe Obsidian agreed that limerick did have some transphobic undertones and removed it because they didn’t want that in their game? nah, that would be silly…
Yeah funnily enough, didn’t see any big ‘ops’ to take away DOAX3 going on for the last year or so over there, maybe I haven’t been given cult clearance for that yet.
Nice strawmantra you got there sir.
Because we don’t use enough bullying and fanatical behavior like GG does? Uh well, I’ll keep going with trying to broaden games to greater audiences and treat a people with respect who have been getting a raw deal approach to things.
So just being the easily manipulated consumer than? We might start to see all products labeled “SJW’s hate this! buy now!”
Funny since most of the “SJW Outrage” is invented by angry anti-SJW’s ... that would be ironic, you guys spouting off some much about the evil SJW’s that Tecmo believed you.