“Equality can feel like oppression to the privileged.”
“Equality can feel like oppression to the privileged.”
Famous Rebas: Jezebel readers
It’s almost as though the destruction of that relic was symbolic of Cersei’s (and her retinue’s) lack of respect for history and tradition. Hmm.
In the NFL you can throw a woman across a room, but you can’t sit on the bench while a song is playing.
To be fair, as someone who’s on the borderline between average weight and overweight, if I had the torso of say Chris Hemsworth I’d never wear a shirt again!
To be fair, a lot of my esteemed countrymen don’t know jack shit about U.S. history either.
Except good guys don’t rape. Good guys stop the attacker like those random cyclists did.
For the life of me, I cannot understand your gripe with this.
No, a half-marathon is NOT “more than four times longer than” a 5K. It is more than four times AS LONG AS a 5K. In order for it to be four times longer than a 5K, it would need to be the length of one 5K plus an additional four times the length of one 5K, in other words 1x5K+4x5K, or 25K total, which it isn’t.
Although not my favorite Superdude, yeah, this is why I appreciate Spiderman. And on a side note: RE: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The WATCHER got a salary, but they couldn't pay Buffy a f*ing dime for saving the world - 7 times?!!!!!!
Oddly enough, this is one of the reasons I grew to really appreciate Spiderman 2. Why? Because Peter is living in Manhattan and is dead broke. So broke he has to go to a sketchy doctor, live in a tenement where he shares a bathroom with people and gets excited about a party with free appetizers. Even a superhero like…
I do like the way that DKIII’s plot mirrors its creation. It’s about a fearsome old man who can no longer stir up trouble without the assistance of friends and followers who do things a little differently.
I agree with you that the movie had problematic, paternalistic overtones. Still, I don’t think women (or anyone for that matter) have to be weak to be exploited. I didn’t come away from watchings HOT GIRLS WANTED thinking the women in it were weak in any way. I did think they were often being exploited.
You’re literally looking for some reason beyond what happened for why the cop did what he did. You’re reaching real far for a valid excuse for his shitty behavior.
Don't sprain anything doing the mental backflips it requires to justify an officer slamming around a teenaged girl.
I teach teenagers, too, and as annoying as they can be, I’ve never had one violate a minor classroom rule and felt that they needed to be forcibly removed from the classroom.
How’s this for irony. It’s been 800 years since the Magna Carta was signed, including an article demanding that citizens not be deprived of life or property without due process of law. In other words, that a bunch of White Anglo Saxon Protestants would not be arbitrarily killed by the King’s men on a whim. Some 500…
If dude could bench 600, he could have picked her up in her desk and carried the whole thing out.
I’v taught for almost 20 years and I’ve never had a kid take a swing. You know why? I learned how to de-escalate a situation and let the kid save face. I learned when to not push kids on issues. I’ve learned when to let small infractions slide. I learned these things because I can never use force. It’s a shame police…