Manuth Chek

I pretty much started looking at my jobs as if I was a mercenary. You are paying me to do x for y amount of time. Outside of our contract hours I don’t care. If things got bad, to where what you were paying me wasn’t really worth it... I left and found a new job. No loyalty to the company or anything. Cause really...

I think some people need it to process their frustrations, which can be a good and useful thing. The alternative is not taking the time to catalouge your reactions to things so you can better handle them in the future. The key is understanding when to let it go and doing something productive with that mental energy

“Build someone a fire and they’re warm for an hour, but set someone on fire and they’re warm for the rest of their life.”

One of my favorite sentiments is “never light yourself on fire to keep someone else warm.” You can’t help or be there for anyone else if you can’t keep yourself whole and sane.

This is a great article that applies to mostly everyone. Every now and then I think about all the regrets in my life. Making choices based on emotions has screwed me over the most. In the end, you gotta be selfish sometimes and take care of number one.

Please unplug your email program, wait 10 seconds, and plug it back in.

“This is an IT fix. Stop replying.”