
As a Chelsea fan, I’m happy

There is no reason for a sequel. None.

because although rich, his dad never got over being an “outer borough” guy who never got respected by the big players. in Manhattan and he was frankly a hustler that made it. so Donnie grew up with that mindset

A Reliant Robin

Sadly our elected idiots are selling our freedoms for cash not even for security

not much of a tech expert so sorry if dumb question but what about duckduckgo or Ixquick/startpage? are they worth it?

while a very rational thought that does not fly.

I agree, I strongly believe is privacy so there needs to be a way.

But a warrant wont do much if the company refuses. If let’s say Apple or WhatsApp refuses to comply or is based outside your jurisdiction then what? 

That’s the issue, a key that opens a bad guys computer opens mine, so how can it be done?

So then, what is the answer? if Terrorist can use these apps and they have millions of innocent users then how do we fix this? no one wants to get spied on but spying on the bad guys is necessary. I think thy are going overboard because they honestly have no clue what to do. So tech-peeps how would you do this?

Please send it to our accounts receivable team currently made up of Nigerian Princes

It’s a shame its a sham because that is a really nice looking car

“In the last few years, North Korea’s threat has really grown ... now we are seeing them modernize their missile arsenal such that it’s quite likely in the near future ... North Korea will have a deliverable nuclear weapon. And then the question is, what are we all going to do about that?”

Why do I get the feeling that had it been a dude in shorts and sandals no one would care?

So someone representing you can do, say or behave anyway they want while representing you? They flew for free and knew the rules

They are united employees flying for free, united has a dress code, they knew this and broke it but somehow is united’s fault?

So I guess the idiots that buy this BS will now claim Alex is part of the conspiracy of “got to”. Christ this country sucks

“well bob. you see what he means is that he is like Jesus, caring for us all and protecting us from evil mooselims.”

well, South Africa’s (it’s where that comes from) but ours too